PG-13 | 11 June 2004 (USA)
Saved! Trailers

Mary is a good Christian girl who goes to a good Christian high school where she has good Christian friends and a perfect Christian boyfriend. Her life seems perfect, until the day that she finds out that her boyfriend may be gay — and that she’s pregnant.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Steineded How sad is this?
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
smooth_op_85 Mary, is a good Christian girl whose friends are Hillary Faye (Alpha Christian and leader of a group called the Christian Jewels) Veronica, a Vietnamese girl adopted by a black couple and Tia is a girl who wants to be in the clique but is mostly ignored When her boyfriend Dean comes out to her, she has sex with him to save him from gaydom. That's where her life begins to go topsy turvy, she is later befriended by a Jewish student and "resident heathen" Cassandra Edelstein and Roland, Hillary Faye's brother who is wheelchair bound.With the layers of her world coming undone, she struggles with the world she grew up in vs. the world she is trying to adjust to I wanted to call this an Evangelical Mean Girls, which is the spirit of the film. However, it is also something all its own with that similar undercurrent.
sbfraser51 This is an entertaining movie, but so skewed that it can only be viewed with a greatly jaundiced eye. There is a lot I could talk about, but I will focus on the most egregious transgressions: that cigarette smoking is indeed "cool", the mark of a true rebel, and getting someone hooked on cigarettes is the beginning of a beautiful relationship; that poor behaviour and lack of respect for the rights of others is okay if you disagree with them and deem them "uptight"; that it is okay to publicly humiliate someone with images of themselves as fat ("snort, snort") loser wannabees if they have it coming. Some very ugly messages that rise to the top of what could have been an intelligent and insightful examination of morays and social conventions. A very lazy attempt.
narulagaurav Ratings: Comedy: 09 Acting: 10 Satire: 09 Relevance: 09Having watched Juno and agreed to its rating on IMDb (about an 8.00 at the time), I was sceptical on what this movie would have to offer. Boy, was I surprised!The plot is well crafted and the humour very biting. The acting is flawless, whether it be Malone, Moore, Martino or Culkin. Malone does deserve special mention though, as she shines throughout.Juno made the topic of teen pregnancy heavy. Saved! treats it in a lighthearted manner and still gets a lot of messages across.Watch it - it's cute and great at the same time.
tidus_narishma *** This review may contain spoilers *** Saved! is a good movie for many different reasons. It is good because of the casual set up and introduction that draws you in and catches your attention. It is good for the free spirited expression of religion that it seems to try and get across. It does have very defined character development and distinct change throughout the movie. All the characters are challenged to question what they believe, and thus grow as people because of it.However, that isn't the entirety of the movie. There are many downfalls that take away from the experience. Although the broad generalization of Christianity is said to be merely the avenue through which "religion" is expressed, Saved! gives a very fake feel to Christianity even as a religion. The characters that you feel most strongly against are those who end up rejecting religion in the end and taking a completely nihilistic view of life. Those very characters seem the most authentic in the end. Being a Christian myself, this is offensive because Christianity is what seems backwards in light of doing whatever feels right to the individual. My God is personal and very close to me, and the movie made it seem like God really didn't care, which is not true. Certain characters apparently use verses from the Bible, but they are always very broad and non-specific, never a full citation. This makes it seem like Christianity is essentially a logical fallacy, completely illogical. This however, is far from the truth. God Himself, who is a very personal, real, and living God is truth incarnate. Saved! did poorly in conveying the true message of Christianity, but instead utilized its own interpretation to make a dramatization of it.I would recommend this movie as an experience that will challenge you. It makes you think about things more intently and about how and why you believe what you do, although it just ends up leaving you with an attitude of apathy about life and the consequences of choices that you make. Furthermore, I would also recommend and challenge you to become more familiar with what Christianity stands for and what its about instead of merely accepting what Saved! presents. Which is essentially the message of Saved!, to question what you believe.