Hot Tub Time Machine 2
Hot Tub Time Machine 2
R | 20 February 2015 (USA)
Hot Tub Time Machine 2 Trailers

After their first adventure with the Hot Tub Time Machine, Lou and Nick are living very well off their ill-gotten gains, while Jacob still cannot rely on Lou to be a positive role model. When an unknown assailant breaks into Lou's mansion and shoots him, Nick and Jacob take him for another trip in the hot tub. They emerge in the year 2025, where they must figure out who shot Lou and prevent it from happening again.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
david-sarkies A part of me is wondering whether the universe (or I should say God, because as far as I'm concerned the universe doesn't have any personality) is trying to prevent me from writing this review. Well, maybe it is just bad luck that this is my third attempt, after having my computer freeze twice before while I was writing this, but hopefully this will be a successful attempt, particularly since my comments of this film aren't going to be all that flattering. Actually, I am somewhat surprised that I am writing this review in the first place, but then again, since I recently watched the previous film (and a second time at that, for some unknown reason), and having discovered a sequel, a part of me simply couldn't rest until I had watched it.I am also wondering why they even bothered with a sequel, but in a world where decisions are dictated by money, and profit, the fact that they made a sequel indicates that the previous film justified it, though it didn't justify it enough to have John Cusack make a return to his role (though he does appear a couple of times during the film). Instead he is mostly off stage, and only appears at the end, which I have to admit actually made what was in effect a pretty bad film even worse. Then again, having a film about a group of losers travelling through time, in a hot tub of all things, really does give one an idea of what this film is actually about.As with the previous film, expect some T&A, and also expect to be grossed out somewhat as well, though I have to admit that these days films have become much grosser than they were when I was growing up. Sure, there have always been T&A movies, but producers, and directors, have been forever pushing the boundaries further and further out as time goes on. Actually, while the T&A aspect doesn't really bother me that much (I am a child of the eighties), the whole aspect of grossing out the audience does really put me off somewhat.The previous film had our protagonists travel back in time to a memorial point in their past, which they changed for the better. However, the second movies reveals that despite the fact that Lou is a billionaire, and Nick is a famous singer, their lives aren't necessarily better. In fact the whole reason they travel back in time is because Lou is shot and the jump in the time machine (or hot tub, or what you will), in an attempt to save him. However, he is sent into the future as opposed to the past, what suggests that the reason he is shot is due to something that happened in the future, as opposed to the past.There were a couple of cool moments in the film, particularly the Choozeydoozey part, but it also seemed as if they pretty much took the frame from the original film and just changed what was actually happening. It was also offensive on so many levels, but I guess that was part of the intention of the film. The other thing was that I really didn't like Lou, but I suspect there is a really good reason for that – you aren't supposed to like him. They sort of do solve that in the end, but still, I personally wouldn't recommend wasting your time with this piece of rubbish.
nukeman-00359 The reason they go back in time is because it was their second chance to redo the past and fix their own present. Now, they just go back to the time machine is because of Lou, he was the one that did his future niece and caused Adam Jr. speaking of spoiling, don't name drop better time traveling films. It just feels like i'd rather watch those instead of yours. The second thing i have against is Lou, sure he was an A- hole in the first one, but good god! he gets into a fight with a car, a freaking car! and many questions that are never answered; What was in the Cincinatti box? Why does no one call out Lou? Why does everyone care about Lou? and finally, How the heck does the whole Hot tub time machine travel work? i understand the ingredients needed for it, but still what do you have to do after that? i don't think anyone's body can take that much drugs and alcohol. Not to mention, many of the jokes here are not funny, the excessive name dropping and usually revolve around Lou being an A-hole to everyone.It was awful
rjsf96 Sequels for films in general are a case of diminishing returns, this proves true if a) the concept is already running thin and b) it is part of the comedy genre. Look at the Hangover series. The first film was a good comedy with a heart. The first 'Hot Tub Time Machine' followed suit but with a better plot and funnier jokes. 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' follows the exact same formula as its predecessor with a little twist. Remember 'The Hangover Part II', it was essentially the very same film as the first but lacking humour and a soul. Unfortunately you can say the same about 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2'. A premise that only required one film to be explored in, but inexplicably has a sequel because it is guaranteed to make money - well not this time, the film flopped hard, no chance of a second sequel then!In the first 'Hot Tub Time Machine' film, Lou, Nick, Jacob and Adam inadvertently sent themselves back in time from 2010 to 1986. This time the present day has been completely changed as a result of the events that took place during the first film. The arrogant Lou is a billionaire, Nick a famous song stealing artist, Jacob remains the only one that has not changed and Adam does not make a reappearance. Instead we get his child Adam Jr. This is like swapping caviar for a big mac. Adam Jr. is not introduced into the film until Lou, Nick and Jacob use the hot tub time machine for one last dip. In 2015 Lou is shot and bleeding to death. The three of them try to go back in time, instead entering the very near future of the world. It is their mission to discover who wanted Lou killed. This time the ride will be anything but smooth.Where do I start with 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2', with a film so pointless, irritating and lazy I want this to be over quickly much like the film itself. The acting is bad. Well, awful. No, horrendous. The script may be to blame, but the likable characters from the first are all gone. Bar Craig Robinson's Nick. A glimpse of an actor trying so desperately to do good amongst the chaos that you want to like the film. But no. This film is repulsive; I hated every frame of it. It is one thing to assemble such comedic talent and then to crush it completely strangling all creativity out of the equation.'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' has a script that fails on every conceivable level. The tone for one is all over the place. Lurching from romance, friendship and bonding to drug abuse, suicide attempts and rape. This does not work pure and simple. I counted homophobic, racist and hurtful jokes. This is towards almost all genders, races and cultures. 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' has the nerve to steal its plot almost beat for beat from 'Back to the Future Part II'. Did anyone know how great a travesty they had wrote? Maybe. Did they stop there? No. After all money is still money. Whether it is tainted or practically stolen from the pockets of the audience does not matter. It is best to invent a time machine, go to the year 2010 and tell all involved with the first film to steer clear of a sequel, no matter how big the pay check.Amongst the penis, boob and ball jokes, it still makes time for the most non sensical sub plot put to film. A smart car tries to kill Lou. I am done here. I left the film halfway through and any true fan of the first film should avoid the sequel like a contagious disease.'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' is the worst kind of sequel. Irritating, endless and annoying. The jokes are not in good taste and you can almost hear the cash machine register as the actors pick up their checks and leave as quickly as possible. My advice? Treat 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' like a night out gone awfully wrong. To cure the hangover return to the first film and if they do make a third invent your own time machine to erase the Director and writer from film making itself.
Bryan Kluger With the success of the 'Hot Tub Time Machine', both critically and financially, it made sense to make a sequel. Well that time has come and original director and writer Steve Pink and Josh Heald have conjured up more or less a similar story, but this time with more gross out humor and less 80's pop culture references. Instead of going back in time, the gang minus John Cusack jumps in the tub and end up in the year 2025 in New Orleans, where it looks more like 2015 with the exception of pets flying on hover boards and automobiles acting like humans.It's fairly difficult these days to make something fresh and original in the time-travel genre. More often than not, it's the same thing we've seen over and over, with a few exceptions. And as a young Jacob (Clark Duke) tries to explain to Lou (Rob Corddry) and Nick (Craig Robinson) why they are in an alternate timeline of 2025, Nick can only compare things to 'The Terminator' or 'Looper'. If you try to in the least bit to understand the time travel equations or aspects that 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' is trying to convey, you might have an aneurysm.The best case scenario is that you go into this with an open mind and laugh at all the raunchy jokes and hilarious improv these actors deliver. Make no mistake, you'll leave with sore cheeks from laughing so hard. Heald and Pink give us a montage of what's been going on with our characters since the first film. Lou has become even more of a dick since the first film and has single handedly crashed and burned his company 'Lougle', whereas Nick has continued to "write" hit songs and make tons of money. As for Jacob (the supposed smart one of the group), he has literally done nothing with his life, besides watch television and become the brunt of abuse from his dad Lou.During a party for Lou, a mystery person shoots Lou's dick off with a shotgun, where Lou, Nick, and Jacob jump into the hot tub again (a quick explanation is given as to why Lou has the hot tub) and are transported to the year 2025 to save Lou's life. I know, how could Lou be alive and have his man parts in tact in the future, when we clearly see them blown to bits in the past. It's all loosely explained as an alternate timeline, but again, try no to think about it too much. So now the three men must try and find and stop Lou's killer.Corrdy explained in an interview recently that this type of film wasn't John Cusack's affinity, which is why he probably wasn't in the film, although he is mentioned quite a bit. In this alternate time line, Pink and Heald did a good job of replacing Cusack with Adam Scott, who plays Cusack's character's son. It's quite fun as Adam Scott fully commits with his warm almond milk and man skirt. These four guys riff off each other perfectly, and as seasoned comedians, always deliver each joke with perfect timing.Perhaps the highlight of the film is a Christian Slater hosted reality show called 'Choozy Doozy', where anal rape is common. Instead of a fairly cohesive story like we had in the first film, Pink and Heald decided to put a bunch of raunchy and vulgar scenes together to gain more laughs and gross out moments, than a fluid story. But the camaraderie of these four guys and their funny jokes definitely keep this film from being the big stinker it could have been. But luckily for you and I, 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' delivers the laughs often, even if many things don't make sense or play out.