PG-13 | 27 January 2007 (USA)
Spiral Trailers

A reclusive telemarketer has only one semblance of a friend: His telecommuter boss. But the telemarketer's social circle seems to improve greatly when a whimsical co-worker enters his life. Only, as he begins to sketch his new friend's portrait, disturbing "voices" from the phone man's past threaten to lead him into a network of destruction

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews Mason is very shy. He isn't very comfortable with approaching others, though you can tell(from Moore's spot-on performance, that emphasizes that he doesn't know how to be around people, he isn't intentionally messing up; the nervousness and loneliness really come through... his talent was wasted in Avatar) that he does want to get into contact with others. His only real friend is Berkeley, who he's known since high school, who got him a job telemarketing, and who, while not a saint(no one is), does what he can to help him. Then one day, a girl sits next to our lead. Amber. She realizes that he paints(only people), and it isn't long before she begins posing for him, and a relationship develops between them. Not all is well, though. Are those nightmares he keeps having... or memories? This isn't for everyone. It's an indie flick, and when I say that it's a psychological thriller, I really mean that... don't expect chases, fights, or a fast pace. This is about the portrait(pun intended) of a recluse(not to be confused with "someone's idea of what everyone who doesn't have an active social life is like"), the gripping story, and the people within it. There is such humanity to our three main characters(and frankly everyone else in this). Not everyone will like or love them... however, you can't help but respond to them. They're as close as they come to being as real as if they actually were. Tamblyn has you falling head over heels in love with her, and not in that "wow, why isn't my girlfriend this perfect" kind of way, no, she has personality, and she really shines through as a real human being; she's very sweet, chatty and just plain fun, and in spite of the fact that you might not always get along with her, you have this feeling that she'll never be boring. Around the middle point, she cries, and I very nearly did the same(and I am extremely reserved, especially in that regard), out of sympathy for her. She is very underrated. All of the acting in this ranges from good to great. The humor is fitting, and comes off as natural. This takes a low-key, smart concept and goes for an appropriate execution, not throwing big-budget tricks in our faces to keep our attention. The editing and cinematography are amazing, and the lighting is excellent. They build the mood well. Subtlety is the name of the game here. Early on, the dreams do feel like they're rudely interrupting a drama, and the marriage of the genres isn't entirely without, shall we say, gentle nagging. With that said, this is well worth your time(if this appeals to you), and I implore you, make sure you catch the conclusion. It's impeccable. This is open-ended, providing food for thought and asking vital questions instead of providing answers. The music is well-chosen. I haven't watched Hatchet, also by Adam Green... I think I will, if I find it(not that I expect it to be like this). There is a bit of disturbing content, some partial female nudity and a little violence and moderate to strong language in this. The DVD comes with a trailer for this(that contains spoilers, save it until after) and a couple of other movies. I recommend this to anyone who likes the sound of what I describe here. 7/10
Valtresca I actually liked this movie although it took me a little while to get into it. And some of the scenes were actually drawn out. I don't mind the strangeness of Mason. He is mysterious like Amber says an Enigma and that's one of the reasons she's attracted to him. Plus a lot of chicks really dig art and the guy is always sketching/painting. Their relationship may be an anomaly even in the real world which is filled with all kinds of unlikeable and withdrawn characters that still manage to find or maintain relationships. One of the problems I have with the plot is that it leaves too much left unexplained.For instance. I would like to know if the blood in the sink was blood or paint. That could have completely cleared up any guilt of murder on Mason's part. Oil paint wouldn't wash off with regular soap and water, but neither would that much blood for that matter. so I'm. I am also not sure what happened to Amber. It never showed her body leading you to question if her murder is just in Mason's head or if it really happened. One of the quotes from the movie was Mason says how do you tell the difference which definitely reminds me of American Psycho starring Christian Bale. Similary both characters, Mason and Bale, believe they have committed murders that never actually took place.The movie actually played out kind of like the Machinist, where you know something happened in this guys past and it may have involved murder. In fact the scene or flashback where Mason is carrying what appears to be a rug or carpet with a body rolled up into it are almost taken directly from the Machinist.I think the directors could have brought closure at the end of this movie, but they chose to leave everything open ended. Mason was a mystery at the beginning of the film and still a mystery at the end. And we still don't know what happened to Amber, did she just not show up for work or was she dead? Or if any of the girls in Mason's past were real?
mwold Decent but overrated dramatic thriller, film attempts to depict the spiraling out-of-control inner demons of a tormented artist. The problem is, not a single relationship illustrated on screen is believable, and plausibility appears to have been thrown out the window. The title character is so difficult to relate to making it's rather impossible to imagine any of the on- screen characters emotionally invested in him either. The conclusion is also fairly predictable; there are certainly enough clues provided from the get go to indicate exactly where the story is headed. Choosing to entirely suspend one's belief in the situations or the relationships, the film itself is well acted (especially by the leads) and manages to create some nice tension as the story unfolds. As a metaphorical feature there is some food for thought, and had the script been stronger, there's certainly potential here that could have been put to better use.
joemamaohio Recluse Mason (Joel Moore) has a dead-end job: working as a telemarketer for his friend Berkeley (Zachary Levi). His only joy is in his painting.One day he runs into Amber (Amber Tamblyn), and he slowly begins to open up to her about who he is, and he begins to paint her.Things go downhill as Amber discovers she isn't the only girl that Mason has painted...and has disappeared. Yet there's another question that this film raises...is Amber all in Mason's head, or is she a real person? I thought the script was fresh and original, with great acting (especially by Moore and Tamblyn), and is really eerie with the questions you have throughout the film. You think you know what's happening, but then the end hits and turns you for a loop.Definitely a good underground movie to see.