White Christmas
White Christmas
NR | 14 October 1954 (USA)
White Christmas Trailers

Two talented song-and-dance men team up after the war to become one of the hottest acts in show business. In time they befriend and become romantically involved with the beautiful Haynes sisters who comprise a sister act.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
rodrig58 Michael Curtiz, the director of the famous "Casablanca", with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, and many other films, different genres, Action, Adventure, Romance, Western. The man was very prolific and very inspired with his other films, but not with this "White Christmas". "The boys", Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye, are not funny, the girls are not beautiful, well, Vera-Ellen she is acceptable, but Rosemary Clooney looks like a man in a dress. Irving Berlin's music is usually beautiful but not in this one, where everything is annoying, banal, uninteresting, boring. The first feature in VistaVision is a waste of time.
kevinish You can argue about which version of "A Christmas Carol" you prefer, or if "A Christmas Story" beats out "Love, Actually" in the modern era, but this film hands down is the best Christmas musical by a long shot. Choreography unofficially by Bob Fosse, "The Best Things Happen While You're Dancing" with Kaye and Ellen is one of the best dance routines on film, period. Crosby, Clooney and ensemble deliver a sentimental treat throughout that still delivers today.
calvinnme This movie is a Christmas tradition with me. But there is something strange about its allure. It's wonderful between Thanksgiving and Christmas, then on December 26th, it is like the Christmas tree. It turns from a glimmering tribute to the season into a bunch of dead pine needles that you want to haul to the pavement as soon as possible.Maybe that is because there are no bad guys in this film, it is pure good will, pure nostalgia - even in 1954 it was pure nostalgia - nostalgia for the men who had been soldiers in an all out fight for saving the planet from forces of pure evil just ten years before. And it is pure hope - hope for finding that special someone, hope of not being "the forgotten man (or general in this case), hope that your friends and family care that your life turns out alright, hope for a White Christmas.The great Irving Berlin songs include "Sisters", "White Christmas", "Count Your Blessings", and "Snow". The musical numbers are greatly varied including - a minstrel number??? - but then you have a greatly varied cast. There's old pro Bing Crosby whose voice and demeanor warm any film, Danny Kaye's nervous exaggerated presence and Bing's old army buddy and now song and dance partner, Vera Ellen floating on air in all of her dance segments - and look at that waist..if you can find it!. Finally there is iconic 50s songstress Rosemary Clooney rounding out the cast.Dean Jagger plays the general and former commanding officer of Crosby and Kaye who has sunk all of his savings into a Vermont ski inn - except global warming seems to be parked overhead. Then there is great character actress Mary Wickes as the inn housekeeper whose bad habit of eavesdropping on the extension almost throws a fatal monkey wrench into what has up to that point been just been too happy of a film. Remember, if you are going to be an eavesdropper, listen to the WHOLE conversation! Highly recommended as a sugary holiday treat that hits the spot.
funkyfry Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye play a pair of entertainers, who seem to be possessed of the songwriting talent of Rodgers & Hart plus the singing and dancing talent of..... Crosby and Kaye? Rosemary Clooney looks good and sings beautifully, and Vera-Ellen performs at her usual high-energy level (in several scenes she's paired with George Chakiris for dances that are clearly beyond Crosby and Kaye's skill level).The entire plot of the movie is that the sad-sack Dean Jagger is now sad because he's running a hotel instead of being a general in the army. Crosby and Kaye decide to put on a show to cheer him up, and Rosemary Clooney somehow becomes convinced that they are trying to embarrass him. That's it. Who cares? I guess. The musical numbers are pretty good, mostly dug up from Irving Berlin's endless box of old numbers from his "Music Box Revue" days.