Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas
Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas
| 04 December 1977 (USA)
Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas Trailers

A poor otter family risks everything for the chance to win the cash prize of a talent contest for Christmas.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
meisterburger23 Awesome special if you are a Jim Henson fan, Emmet Otter is pretty much like a Gift of the Magi special but with some animals in it. It is one of my favorite Christmas specials and it's fun to watchI recommend it for families and also for nostalgic adults. Sadly this is not aired on TV any more so it's pretty sad.10/10
soadlover1 The first time I saw this movie it was on HBO. I watched it every year and looked forward to it coming on. But alas HBO stopped showing it and I didn't get to watch it for years. I pined for this movie yes people pined for it. The music the characters I was and am in love with this sweet movie. But then a miracle my sister found it on DVD and bought it for me I was so happy I sat in front of the tube and felt like I was eight or nine again, hey I'm thirty three so feeling like I'm eight or nine again is a miracle Like it has been stated in other reviews it's based on gift of the magi. Emmet and Ma work hard to just get by but with the love they feel for each other helps them get trough it. You can't help but enjoy the songs, I'd really like to see the bathing suit grandma otter wore. Any way I really think this is an enjoyable movie that is a Christmas classic. Oh by the way the river bottom nightmare band kicks it.
cdg7072000 This is one of the greatest movies I've ever seen. The plot is great and that little Emmet is so cute. This is clearly one of Jim Henson's best films for all ages. There's comedy, drama and suspense. You'll be on the edge of your seat throughout the entire movie. Don't miss out on this classic film! Run out and rent or buy it today. Don't waste any time in delaying. It's clearly a film that ranks up there with other top films such as Ghostbusters, Seven, Saving Private Ryan, Batman Returns, Chicken Run, Pride & Prejudice, Pulp Fiction and many, many more. If you haven't watched this movie yet, then you really haven't lived!
galaxy2069 Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (1977) is pure television magic. It represents finely orchestrated character puppetry of the highest order. Never have animal puppets created so much human emotional pull. Ma Otter seemed so real to me as a young boy growing up in a small southern town. She still reminds me of this tender old lady who would come by and wash (and iron) our family clothes for $20. That's how real she was/is to me. Ma Otter was a symbol of comfort.Her son Emmet Otter is young, naive, determined and the centerpiece of this Henson gem. Emmet is a problem solver and is willing to help his poor Ma out any way he can. You also get to meet his friends, one being an obese beaver who plays the washtub bass. You also get to experience an Otter family annual tradition; hunting for the precious Christmas Branch. But the ultimate highlight is the talent show at the end...where Emmet's fabulous Jug-Band battles Ma Otter (and her sad, sad song) and a surprise entry: The Riverbottom Nightmare Band.Whoever invented the Riverbottom Nightmare Band (Henson?) needs to be rewarded. One might assume that the audience will root for Emmet's Band or Ma (in the end), but the reality is that you'll get surprisingly turned on by the throbbing, hypnotic drudge of the Riverbottom Nightmare Band. Not only was there sound explosive and imaginative, but they also buried the other competitors. The Nightmare Band had enough creative vision and foresight to create an ultra-savvy and alluring stage spectacle. They also had this awesomely large spitting fish that squirted from a large water tank. Ma and Emmet's Jug-band never stood a chance. They were too emotional and eager for 1st place bucks. In the end they were ultimately destroyed by the Riverbottom Nightmare Band.