Quest for Camelot
Quest for Camelot
G | 15 May 1998 (USA)
Quest for Camelot Trailers

During the times of King Arthur, Kayley is a brave girl who dreams of following her late father as a Knight of the Round Table. The evil Ruber wants to invade Camelot and take the throne of King Arthur, and Kayley has to stop him.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Micitype Pretty Good
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
tppercival The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot is an example of a Disney rip-off, but the animation is good, and the CGI, well, it needs a little improving. And the characters' design are alright but Ruber's henchmen have some impressive designs. Since, this film did have references from other Disney animated films like "Aladdin", "The Lion King", and even "Beauty and the Beast". But still other films that aren't Disney related still got references from are "Godzilla", and "Dirty Harry". The film's humour needs a little touching up. Plus, Ruber makes a good villain, but his insanity is way off.The film's plot somehow comes off track at times, and that's how it flopped at the box-office. But on the bright side, "The Prayer" is nominated for an Oscar and won a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song. So in conclusion, The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot is not a bad film, but it's an Okay film. I mean, the filmmakers did their effort of making the film. I'm giving this film 5/10
Alyson Jones I'm a little biased to this movie as I grew up watching it in the 00's; I still watch it! The music is fun and the story is cute. No the animation isn't "Disney great", but it's Warner brothers. They have a different way of animating things! One of my favorite movies, but that's probably because I grew up on it. Watch it for a good, heartwarming, cute story! Lots of good actors voicing the characters too. Fun little movie to sit down and watch with your kids, keeps you entertained. Watch it. Now. There isn't anything about this movie that would make me tell you not to see it. The dragons add a cute element and the out come of the story just makes you happy.
Maziun The animation isn't top notch and it's quite obvious in many places. It doesn't mean that the movie looks ugly – it looks OK. I think the movie has too many songs in it. The quality of those songs is uneven – some are good , some are very forgettable. One of the songs was nominated for Oscar.The direction could be better. The movie is too mushy , too sentimental for my taste. Characters like Merlin and King Arthur are wasted by the screenplay. The love story between Kayley and Garrett happens too fast and isn't convincing. The humor isn't impressive , despite interesting supporting characters (two headed dragon Devon and Cornwall , the chicken , the griffin). Ruber makes for a good villain. The voice acting is solid.The movie is set in times of King Arthur and the knights of the round table and it's too bad that it isn't a really good movie. This universe had so much potential. I give it 4/10.
Gordon-11 This film is about the daughter of a round table knight, who sets out on a quest to protect Camelot from an evil rouge round table knight.Watching this animation reminds me of how quickly the quality of animations have improved in just over ten years. Back in the late nineties, the animations were still drawn with black lines around everything. Fast forward to present day, the animations are in 3D with stunning realism. Anyway, "Quest for Camelot" has a straightforward plot for children to understand. It is squeaky clean, and not too scary for young children. However, there is not much for adults to enjoy. The character designs are not so attractive, and the quality of the animation is really not good even when taken the year of production into account. "Quest for Camelot" have much room for improvement.