Big Money Hustlas
Big Money Hustlas
| 18 July 2000 (USA)
Big Money Hustlas Trailers

Sugar Bear, a detective from San Francisco, is called down to New York City by their police chief to assist officer Harry Cox. Their mission is to take down the corrupt crime ring controlled by Big Baby Sweets and his two right-hand men, Big Stank and Lil' Poot.

Steineded How sad is this?
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Sigglecow2 I would tell you about the plot and about who's in it and such, but if you're looking at this movie's page in the first place, then you've already seen it. And if you enjoy comedy, then you like it, too. In addition to the hilarity of seeing ICP and Twiztid in their ridiculously over-the-top roles, which we all enjoy, there's the greatness that is Harland Williams. And there's Johnny Brennan in a fat suit. And there's Mick Foley. And the late Fred Berry. And Dolemite. This movie may not be excellent filmmaking, but who cares? It's hilarious and entertaining, which is all a comedy needs. 8/10-bbs
DarkReflection Michigan shock rappers ICP make their feature film debut with this low-budget, video-shot-and-released blaxploitation parody that hits the mark in hilarity. Intentionally cheesy, this film will warm the heart of any blaxploitation fan, "juggalo" (ICP word for a fan), or people who just plain like to laugh. Cheap and random laughs abound, and even those who don't like ICP will definitely enjoy this. Most jokes bullseye, some fail, but it's all played for cheap fun. Hilarious trash that should be seen by all who laugh at random humor, even those who hate ICP. 8/10
cactuschris This over the top goofy humor masterpeice isn't "just for juggalos" as they would say (Brainwash propaganda they have on the cover of the movie) but instead wholesome dysfunctional family fun for the whole family. I myself enjoy ICP, but this movie would be great to anyone who like blaxsplotation films or horrendous grade B films. If you understand hip hop, blaxsplotation, and purposly being cheesy for comediic purposes than give it a tilt a whirl.
Marianne17 You Have to be a true ICP fan to love this move....If you don't know who the Insane Clown Posse are DO NOT RENT OR BUY THIS MOVIE... I LUUUUUV this movie