R | 04 April 2013 (USA)
Concussion Trailers

After a blow to the head, Abby decides she can't do it anymore. Her life just can't be only about the house, the kids and the wife. She needs more: she needs to be Eleanor.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Taylor95 I watched this movie a few days ago, and I thought it was OK, but something happened. In the days that followed, it stayed with me. I actually found myself thinking about it at work, at home, at night. It was a great character study and a compelling drama of a woman who had lost herself, as often does, within a marriage. Doesn't matter whether the union is straight or gay, it often happens. After a couple years in a relationship, there is a tempering of passions and real life takes over; the house, the kids, car payments, jobs and everyday life is rather boring and what do you do when one partner decides there is no room in her life for passion? The performances were excellent, Robin Weigert was exceptionally good in the lead role of Abby and the writing was very good. I just wish Maggie Siff's character would have had a few more scenes. :) What I loved most is that even though this is a movie with "lesbians"'s not really about's just about people and relationships and the primary character could have been straight, I don't think the movie would have been any different. I was impressed with the handling of homosexuality, finally in a movie, that didn't discuss it or analyze just was.
cinematic_aficionado This continues with a recent trend in cinema in dealing with a rather contemporary phenomenon that of same sex couples and the challenges they face. The heroine in this story is trapped by her partner who is driven, successful provides a nice home for both to live but totally neglects her as well as her needs. Everything is about the alpha female spouse. But there's two in a marriage right?As part of an effort of self exploration as well as increasing unfulfilled sexual needs she rents an apartment down town and makes it something of a lesbian brothel which causes something of a transformation in her in the sense that from feeling inadequate and incomplete, suddenly she is filled with capacity to give pleasure to those who come her way.Such as is the nature of experiments like this, as the story progresses it leads to one big question: how long can/will she carry on leading a double life?Captivating and poignant, it is another gem of indie cinema.
Sindre Kaspersen American screenwriter, producer and director Stacie Passon's feature film debut which she wrote, premiered in the U.S. Dramatic section at the 29th Sundance Film Festival in 2013, was screened in the Panorama section at the 63rd Berlin International Film Festival in 2013, was shot on locations in USA and is an American production which was produced by American producer and director Rose Troche. It tells the story about a dutiful 42-year-old American mother named Abby Ableman whom after an incident begins fixing an apartment with a friend named Justin. Distinctly and subtly directed by American filmmaker Stacie Passon, this finely paced fictional tale which is narrated mostly from the main character's point of view, draws a rarely straightforward, normative and understanding portrayal of a woman whom after having experienced a head injury makes a decision which could prevent her from dying internally of boredom or end her marriage. While notable for its naturalistic and atmospheric milieu depictions, reverent cinematography by cinematographer David Kruta, production design by production designer Lisa Mayers, distant and far from stereotypical depiction of partnership, trendy choice of themes which serves the representation of the protagonist and use of light, this character-driven and narrative-driven story about a cinematic universe of women where men are neither excluded or significantly prioritized, where labeling, voyeurism and crowd-pleasing narrative choices are commendably surpassed by consideration of character and where a person in a mid-life situation whom has become so alienated from herself that she has to do something to regain what she has drifted so far away from, depicts a dense and in-depth study of character and contains a good score by composer Barb Morrison.This freshly humorous, unconventionally conversational and non-moralizing though liable indie which is set in the U.S. in the 21st century, and where a wife agrees to a suggestion which becomes an escape from her down-to-earth life with her son, stepdaughter and spouse, is impelled and reinforced by its cogent narrative structure, substantial character development, subtle continuity, distinct film editing, variegated characters and perspectives and the assured and authentic acting performances by American television and film actresses Robin Weigert and Maggie Siff. A psychologically involving, reflective and communicative narrative feature.
i-spookie That was a random display of loneliness. I wonder if there were any grownups in this movie that was truly happy ?? Apart from "The Girl" that was merely neuvrotic that is. The film painted also a very grim picture of middle-class America in my mind. I found it uncomfortable to watch often. But apart from the above mentioned - the acting was damned good on Robin Weigert's part, and she alone kept it interesting for me. If it's a lesbian film ???? Have no idea. There were lesbians in it, but I found it to be overall a society tale of a certain class of Americans, and Jeezz what empty lives they are leading sitting there on there little bikes in the gym, sipping cocktails and joining all kinds of charities. As a European - I do not get this thing the US have about sexuality. Eighter it has to be totally taboo - or down and dirty - I just don't get it. So - I made up my own ending to spice it up a bit. Abby finally got her climax with random Sam - and I do not think that that stopped after the last frame - finally left her ice-prinsess Kate, and managed to get some happiness into her life. At leased - that would be something to stop the boredom.
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