PG-13 | 25 December 2015 (USA)
Concussion Trailers

A dramatic thriller based on the incredible true David vs. Goliath story of American immigrant Dr. Bennet Omalu, the brilliant forensic neuropathologist who made the first discovery of CTE, a football-related brain trauma, in a pro player and fought for the truth to be known. Omalu's emotional quest puts him at dangerous odds with one of the most powerful institutions in the world.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
TinsHeadline Touches You
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Michael Ledo The film centers on Dr. Bennet Omalu (Will Smith) a highly educated Nigerian pathologist working in the city of Pittsburgh. When Mike Webster died young, Omalu performs a full autopsy. He then orders brain slides where he discovers Webster had CTE, a condition where the brains proteins change the brain as Webster cries out, "I'm dyeing in here!" As more football players die young, a case is made that the frequent blows to the head cause the problem, evidence that won't go awayOmalu is an unorthodox pathologist who appears eligible for sainthood. He embellishes everything that is good, while the NFL, not so good. In the end science prevailed, although the problem still exists. It was an interesting film, even though you knew how it ends.Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
Howlin Wolf Man unfamiliar with American Football discovers it can often involve being hit repeatedly in the head, very hard. This is bad. Cultural institutions do not take kindly to being challenged, especially by an outsider...Join me again soon, when I watch a movie that uncovers what religion the Papal guy with the big hat belongs to!Every second of this movie is so thunderingly obvious, that it appears its only reason to exist is to give Will Smith the chance to try out a new accent.
Ian (Flash Review)A very straight forward movie about the neuropathologist doctor who discovered CTE brain injuries in NFL players. He was drawn to this issue as several former players had died in very unusual ways without any obvious cause. CTE can only be found after a person has died. The movie was professionally executed and slapped the hand of the NFL and their hiding of their own true findings yet didn't really dig into that storyline. The story mainly followed the doctors' life and his research as well as the hurdles placed in his way as he was potentially damaging the NFL's reputation and revenue stream. I never really felt emotionally vested or concerned for any characters, even when there was cause for it, and nothing about the story was particularly noteworthy. Will Smith did a great job playing a character with a distinctive accent and after 5 minutes, he became that person. Safe and quality.
alindsay-al I am a big sports fan so I was interested on seeing the other side of the story with concussion and I really enjoyed it. The premise of the film sees a pathologist find out the damage that concussion in American football really can cause. Will smith plays Dr Bennett omalu in this film and this is possibly his best ever performance, he totally washed away the will Smith I usually see and bought into this character that is so interesting and likable. He nailed the accent and I feel like he gave everything in the dramatic scenes hoping for that Oscar. Albert brooks plays his boss and I thought he was pretty awesome in this film, his chemistry with smith is really good and he definitely provides a lot of comic relief which does really work. Alec Baldwin plays a doctor more in line with the football side and he is also great in this film, he has great scenes with smith that can be really emotional. Gugu mbatha raw plays a girl who ends up having to live with omalu and she does a good job as they start to build a friendship based on there differences and I liked it. The story of the film is really interesting as you see omalu going through the investigation into the concussion law and a conflict he does have with the NFL. However the first bit of the film just isn't that interesting as you see all these things that don't involve concussion and I was waiting for this film to get going. The script has some great dramatic dialogue especially by smith who nails it in the role, also surprisingly when needed it has some really good humour in it as well. The style of the film has some really intense scenes in it that makes you care about the situation. But I feel like it would been better if the subject matter was more balanced instead of being totally against the NFL which this film does. Overall I really enjoyed watching the film and found it interesting to watch.