Eye in the Sky
Eye in the Sky
R | 11 March 2016 (USA)
Eye in the Sky Trailers

A UK-based military officer in command of a top secret drone operation to capture terrorists in Kenya discovers the targets are planning a suicide bombing and the mission escalates from “capture” to “kill.” As American pilot Steve Watts is about to engage, a nine-year old girl enters the kill zone, triggering an international dispute reaching the highest levels of US and British government over the moral, political, and personal implications of modern warfare.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
gotgolf-1 This is an ultra liberal movie that is really pathetic. Do not waste your time watching this. The only question I have is how could they have made the film even more stupid? What a complete waste of everyone's time and effort. What could have made these mediocre actors sign up for such a worthless film? Most of them were probably dying to get a paycheck while the others were too stupid to recognize just how worthless this film was.
raymagoo Setup well, bit slow but purposefully so. Packs required punch and thought process. Heartfelt. Well acted
saramgia The film accurately portrays the annoying, obstructive personalities, and political and personal tactics and cowardice that have to be constantly handled to work in the Department of Defense and international coalitions. Several distracting errors--Helen Mirren is too old to play an active duty colonel; a general uses a subordinate for a personal errand; multiple Muslim Brotherhood head coverings are worn in an area where they don't belong, the melodramatic, bawling airmen--caused me to drop my rating a little. I also would have liked to have seen a more conscious, thoughtful treatment of the issue of collateral damage and media exploitation thereof. It's the kind of movie that's worth one viewing.
invisibleunicornninja I watched the first 22 minutes of this movie, which I believe is an adequate length of time to wait for a movie to get good. It didn't. This movie is extremely boring. It may be well-shot, but that's the only thing that its got going for it. The acting is bad, the sound design is bad, and the plot is nonexistent. I will usually watch a movie all the way through, just to give it a chance, but this movie is just really boring.