Cat City
Cat City
NR | 02 October 1986 (USA)
Cat City Trailers

In the year 80 AMM (After Mickey Mouse) on planet X the crime-syndicated Cats try to erase the Mouse-population once and for all. A scientist of the mice, prof. Fushimishi seems to have found the weapon against the threat - so Intermouse calls its best (albeit retired) agent, Nick Grabowsky, to get the plans. As a distraction for the Cats, they also send a second agent - Seargent Lazy Dick - for the mission.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
coolkoon I've seen this movie as a small kid, yet I just can't believe it has been made in the 80's at the time of Hungarian Goulash communism. At this time communism was still present, but it was the most liberal regime of them all, thus movies/cartoons like this one were created. Because of this you can feel the atmosphere of that era throughout the movie.The story is quite a grotesque one: On Planet X, occupied by mice and cats, there is year 100 A.M.M. (after Mickey Mouse), and the conflicts between the cats and mice are rising. However, there is one last hope in Pokyo, the success of which lies in the hands of an Intermouse secret agent Grabovsky...
Pepper Anne Cat City was my first non-childrens cartoon. And I absolutely loved it. It was not a giant cornball cliche at all and it was funny as hell. The animation was super in that "A Wrinkle In Time" style and the story was terrific: The Evil Cats of Cat City hypnotize mice to service the evil deeds of the cats. Gumshoe, a Rat, is hired to stop them before it's too late. My favorite part is at the end when the little fat patrol mouse is caught in the jungle with the bats. And, instead of them feasting on him for dinner (or whatever designated mealtime it should happen to be), he serenades them with a swinging trumpet solo, to which the Mexican bats contribute to. It is most excellent. I highly recommend Macskafogo (aka. Cat City) for anyone looking for a good 'cartoonie' cartoon.
karen-194 This was an amazing film that took me ages to remember the name of, but this comedic spoof of James Bond made me laugh all the way through. With the evil plot of the cats and the "Mr Burns" like assistant, it's definitley a great film for all ages!
ktibo-2 Hungarian cartoons are worldwide famous, but this is a special one. First of all, I have to mention that not everyone will understand this humorous masterpiece, but everyone should watch it at least once! The characters are very funny, the story is for all ages, but you have to be at least 16 to understand all the jokes. This is the film of my childhood, but I saw it again a few days ago (I'm 19), and it was a real fun to see it again! If you are Hungarian, this movie is compulsory for you, if you are not, for you, too!