Jane Got a Gun
Jane Got a Gun
R | 29 January 2016 (USA)
Jane Got a Gun Trailers

After her outlaw husband returns home shot with eight bullets and barely alive, Jane reluctantly reaches out to an ex-lover who she hasn't seen in over ten years to help her defend her farm when the time comes that her husband's gang eventually tracks him down to finish the job.

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
climbingtiger957 Was looking forward do a decent western and sadly very disapointed.it starts of it seemed to me in riddles , you begin wondering how it came to the situation it does,its quite confusing andbi found it very dry.everything in the movie had been done before and it lacked atmosphere.i would actually class it as a barbara cartland novel rather than a western ,the main stars spend to much time looking over the past to make the present film intersting.after about an hour of reminissing we actually get to some action and then it seems the film is all over.also as a person who has shot pistols i find it very annoying when you have a looking down the barrel scene you can clearly see the gun is empty.anyway i cant tell you a lot more because there is nothing to tell ,in fact it was so dull i cant even remember the ending and i only saw it last night.no where near brutal enough for a western ,and an uninteresting story.
etherashe It's a fine movie. One of the best I've seen in a while. Natalie Portman's performance is impeccable. She's not only one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, she's also the best actress. Ewen McGregor plays a subtly sleazy bad guy that almost makes my skin crawl, if only because of his confidence and surety that he will never face justice. All the other actors carry their parts well. The story is simple, but reads true. Nice cinematography, and dialogue. There's really not much to criticize. I guess most people just over-think things too much these days, rather than just relaxing and enjoying a nicely done film.
midas-jacobs Jane searches for help with her ex-lover, because her now husband is being searched by a gang led by John Bishop.Gavin O'Connor, the director of among others "Warrior" and "The Accountant", both of which were great films, "Warriors" being one of his best films. This film however I found to be just fine. There really wasn't any substance to it in all aspects, which also means that the visual storytelling wasn't good. It wasn't bad either though. There just wasn't anything interesting going on and every shot just looked bland. The color grading was dull and the shot composition just followed the basic rules. The camera didn't move in interesting manners and there were no further meanings with how some shots were represented, even though this would've been so, if the director had had more time. I've read on the trivia of this website that only one day after the previous director had been fired, this one was, which means that Gavin O'Connor didn't really have the time to put his creative stamp on to the film and that was pretty notable, because his other films did look good, in all the things that i've just mentioned, so it's a shame that this film could've been better if O'Connor only had gotten more time. There are plenty of westerns that came out not so long ago that did look visually good (Slow West, Django Unchained...), each of which had their own creativity put into them, which wasn't the case with this film. There was so much room for creativity, but there wasn't any used. But that wasn't the only flaw this film has, there are multiple, and those I'll discus now. I most of the time like movies, where the protagonist has to defend their house, but in this one they just followed the clichés of every one of those films. The only thing that differs this film from the rest is that in this one the prepping scenes were done badly and the build up fell flat, because of numerous reasons, but those'll be discussed in the second to last paragraph. The editing was fine, but the pacing was dreading and slow and at times this was also done too quick; it never really hit the good notes. The soundtrack was also just fine, nothing special, some songs were good and others weren't. The acting was just fine. Natlie Portman, normally a good actress, was the worst one of this cast. Her accent was inconsistent and overall she only did an OK job. In the emotional scenes she cried and such, but it never felt like those feelings were true. Joel Edgerton, gives as usual a good performance and Ewan McGregor as well was good, even though we didn't get to see a lot of him. In my opinion he gave the best performance of the film, in comparison to Natalie Portman. Between Joel Edgerton and Natalie Portman there wasn't really any on screen chemistry. Noah Emmerich was good as Bill Hammond, even though he didn't really get his chance to shine. The kid actors were fine, but nothing special, nonetheless pretty good for kids. The screenplay was mediocre. The story overall sounded interesting to me, but the execution of it turned out to be bad. The dialogue was cheesy and clichéd with nothing interesting. It wouldn't have mattered if I'd skipped some scenes, because nothing happens. The characters were badly developed and don't go through any development, but they try to do this, but the use of flashbacks. Those flashback scenes, however, were badly written, whereby those were only boring and on top of that, they didn't add anything to the characters! I didn't care for any of them, which only made the movie more boring than it already was. The writers also tried to put up this love triangle, in which they failed miserably as well. Then how was the villain? Well, equally as bad as the other characters. He had no character surrounding him, and due to this I couldn't find myself understanding him. The build up to the finale is also not good, like I've just said indirectly. But the finale was also very anticlimactic. It only goes on for a couple of minutes, and with the whole film building up to that particular moment I expected something big, but I was left with a boring, short action scene. And another thing I want to say is that the title of the film is really bad. The title at least insinuate that Jane's a badass, but time and time again this statement gets proved wrong. In the end "Jane got a Gun" was a not so good film, which is quite surprising, hence it's directed by Gavin O'Connor. Visualyly this film looked dull and uninteresting and those two words describe the film very well: dull and uninteresting. The film was boring throughout and the characters were badly written.4.5/10
Spikeopath Jane Got a Gun is directed by Gavin O'Connor and collectively written by Brian Duffield, Anthony Tambakis and Joel Edgerton. It stars Natalie Portman, Joel Edgerton, Ewan McGregor, Noah Emmerich, Boyd Holbrook and Rodrigo Santoro. Music is by Marcello De Francisci and Lisa Gerrard and cinematography is by Mandy Walker.Jane Hammond (Portman) has to turn to her ex lover, Dan Frost (Edgerton), for help when it's revealed that the notorious Bishop gang are heading her way in search of her husband Bill (Emmerich).It's going to be one of those films more talked about for what it could have been than what it is. Changes in production staff were unbound, from director, writer, photographer and some big name cast changes, it was a production blighted and destined to be on a loser. It hasn't helped that with it being a slow paced character based picture, and a Western at that, the market for a fan base was already running low on potential supporters. So what we left with?It undoubtedly is one for hard core Western fans only, it's hard to envisage newcomers entering into the genre for the first time, perhaps lured by the casting of Portman, being won over to the point of seeking out other classic Westerns of past and present. Yet it's got a lot going for it, because if you have the want, then it may just take a second viewing to fully absorb and enjoy. At its core it's a straight Oater of redemption, opportunities waylaid by fate, and of course a good old good versus bad axis. Relying on a flashback structure to set up the character dynamics, it can get a bit disorientating at times, hence the shout out for a second viewing. However, it may not be the perfect way to build the principal characters, but they are worth the investment for there's a big emotional pull there.Having laid the foundation for the first two thirds of the pic, we shift to good old honest violence, for siege read backs against the wall, and not without invention, in fact there's much resourcefulness on show, with Jane at times very much leading the way. The last third pays off handsomely, even if there's the (arguably) inevitable sugar coated candy to swallow as part of the final deal. Cast are dandy and turning in perfs of note, though it needed more of McGregor's John Bishop, because with what little he gets he does make a villainous mark.It looks terrific, Walker's photography bringing to mind the genre work of Roger Deakins, with the New Mexico locations blistering in their beauty, and while the sound mix for dialogue exchanges is a little poor, the musical score is thumping in its tonal appreciations. It's tricky to recommend with confidence even to Western fans, especially in a year when "Jane" had to compete with the more rambunctious Magificent Seven reboot, but give it a chance if you liked something like Slow West, and you may just be pleasantly surprised. 7/10