4th Man Out
4th Man Out
NR | 05 February 2016 (USA)
4th Man Out Trailers

After a night of drinking, Adam Hutcherson stumbles out of the closet to his three straight buddies. A disruption to their dynamic which they now must try and overcome through alcohol, Tinder dates and forgiveness.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Michael Ledo Adam (Evan Todd) is a single mechanic in Albany, NY. As he turns 24 he decides to come out, first to his three drinking buddies, then to his family. They go through the initial shock, but after they figure out it wasn't the Taylor Swift concert, they decide to be supportive, going that extra mile to make him feel accepted.Adam does not display the stereotypical "gayness," but other characters in the film do. If anything the film blasts through many of the false notions Hollywood and society have about gay people in an entertaining drama/comedy.Guide: F-words. Near sex. No nudity. Jordan Lane Price bra/panties.
lusciousmuffins I was really looking forward to this film and the first few minutes seemed promising, but then, what felt like hours later, I was actually glad to see it end. The problem was that it was just so darn boring. The plot itself was straightforward and is one that anyone who watches LGBT themed films has seen several times before. Basically, a gay guy comes out to his childhood friends who wrestle with how to be good friends despite their discomfort. So of course, they all laugh and cry and love and learn important life lessons and blah, blah, blah...In addition to being a recycled concept with basically zero originality, the use of stereotypes was pretty heavy handed. I was particularly insulted by one scene where, after the group of friends finally seemed to have turned a corner with his sexuality, the two bestest of the four best buddies are sitting on a couch after a night of drinking. Next thing you know the gay guy tries to kiss his friend claiming that he thought his straight friend was trying to kiss him. WTF?!?!? That scene undermined the entire film. Suddenly this guy who has sworn up and down to his friends that they are just his friends tries to kiss a guy he knows, and I mean he KNOWS, is interested in women, specifically because the gay character's friend is torn between his friend with benefits and a woman with whom he has a genuine connection. That to me was insulting to a lot of people and totally unrealistic.There was also a scene where the protagonist has finally had a successful date with a guy from online after a series of what were supposed to be hilarious misadventures (FYI, they weren't that funny). So, our hero is making out with prince charming, but then he farts, then he farts again; after that prince charming just ditches him without a world. Not only did that come across as gross; it was kind of insulting. Are gay men really so shallow and strange? Have the writers never passed gas on a date? The various dating vignettes were pretty unpalatable overall, but that one was cringe-worthy.Honestly, I can think of probably five other films that are all but identical to this one, only difference being that they were better. What made matters worse was that this film had some decent actors, they were simply wasted on a movie that was formulaic and way too drawn out.
George Moujaes Few and far between are films that put gay characters in a sharp, naturalistic, authentic light. Its great production values portray the lead Adam in as flattering a way as first impressions can afford. The weaknesses of this film overcome its strengths by a mile. The usage of the line "I'm gay" seemed endless, running through the entirety of the film so that you are beaten over the head with it. The film feels like a rehearsal of the line. The character seems like he is trying to feel what it is to be gay as he repeats the line to himself and to others.We get some insight into how Adam's straight friends feel about it all and some insight into how Adam feels about them. Not much insight into anything else Adam feels besides largely concern for what his friends think. This is too simple.And for good reason. Every last other character including supporting cast falls very flat. At some later point or another a series of hard C- grade walking stereotypes from the 90's show the film for the embarrassing mess that it is. Narcissistic, one-note, crass, obsessive, perverse guys all there in name to date Adam.It is really silly. Take the production values and make something more interesting for everyone involved. A script should not have its apex center around a series of caricature dates between someone who is freshly out and token gay stereotypes.
subxerogravity I saw this as a pure dudes film, and I can't believe how much I like it, and how much I related to it. 4th Man Out is a true testament of what it means to have diversity in film.It's about stereotypical frat boy types who have a coming-of age moment when one of them reveals to the others he's gay. It's a story of true male friendship as the team adjust to a life changing moment from someone they knew all there life. It was funny. I feel like it was design to teach guys how to be a true friend to one another. It has all the jokes from a frat boy comedy.On the same level, it's romantic. I'm not into the romcoms yet this one was excellent, as Adam, the fart boy who comes out of the closet tries to find love, and his best friends attempt to help him. the movie was just so nicely done. It feels like the filmmakers had a personal connection with the story content and it breathes all over this film. Very impressive and worth checking out.