Beyond the Mask
Beyond the Mask
PG | 06 April 2015 (USA)
Beyond the Mask Trailers

A former assassin tries to redeem himself by becoming a masked highwayman in Colonial America.

Micitype Pretty Good
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
cinephile-27690 A friend of mine gave this to me for Christmas because friends of hers are extras but I thought everything bored me. I don't remember any of it, but that it was about the Revolutionary War. I have nothing else to say. Just skip it.
Wizard-8 Potential viewers for "Beyond the Mask" might be wary of the movie since it was made by Christian filmmakers. As it turns out, the movie isn't particularly preachy; while there are some declarations of faith, they are just occasional and are never heavy-handed. Another thing about the movie worthy of merit is the depiction of Benjamin Franklin; scenes with this character do have some effective dry humor that does represent the real historical figure well.Apart from those two things I mentioned above, well, the movie simply doesn't work. The idea of the movie - a swashbuckling take on the events leading to America's declaration of independence in 1776 - definitely did have potential. The main problem is that the movie for the most part is really boring. There's far too much talk, and the talk isn't particularly interesting. Yes, there are action sequences sprinkled here and there, but under the direction of Chad Burns the action comes across as really clumsy and choppy, and is sometimes hard to follow.Speaking of things hard to follow, the story has some confusing elements. For example: If the hero has incriminating papers on him, why does he wait so long before trying to use them? And why doesn't he or Franklin simply cut the wires under the city in the climatic sequence instead of doing a one man commando raid on the windmill? These and other instances of characters not doing the obvious thing make the movie really silly at times.The icing on the cake is the general look and feel of the movie. While on one hand it's impressive for what was a REALLY low budget, the movie all the same looks and feels like something made for television instead of theaters.While the movie got the Dove Foundation's seal of approval for family audiences, I think both kids and adults will find the movie very unsatisfying.
dzrony009 Simply outstanding. I cannot believe why this movie got poor ratings. May be they did not cast top rated celebrity. But everybody on this film has just nailed it. Very nice story, good adventure, action, romance, suspense more over acting what is missing just named it.Seriously it doesn't deserve this poor rating. Viewer must be misguided if they see the rating. I think IMDb authority should do something about it. Anyway each and everybody in this movie get my huge applause. In addition, a massage for those viewers who is looking for adventure, fantasy, romance, action etc. This movie will give you a package of everything. I must say again this movie deserve at least 8 out of 10.
s3276169 Beyond the Mask is a cross between a bad Mills and Boon novella and an action adventure with churchy overtones. The storyline behind this drama is predictable fare. Its been done to death and exhumed for this turgid tale of adventure, love and redemption. Redemption in this case has a decidedly religious quality to it that is both simplistic and patronizing. Think of those well scrubbed types who turn up on your doorstep from time to time hawking their narrow view of the universe and you are there. The acting is hackneyed too but not entirely awful. I'm at a loss to see why John Rhys-Davies, an exceptional actor in most respects, signed up for this decidedly "B" grade fare. In summary,Beyond the Mask is not dreadful but its hardly a quality production either. Its amateurish, preachy and more than a little corny. All in all I'd say this is a marginal watch at best. Four out of ten from me.