Valley of Flowers
Valley of Flowers
| 15 July 2006 (USA)
Valley of Flowers Trailers

A Himalayan legend of a love struggling against the inevitability of death, an astonishing tale spanning from the early 19th century mountain existence, to hectic, bustling modern day Tokyo.

Cortechba Overrated
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Jag85 I heard about this film more than a year ago but didn't get around to watching it until last week. The first thing that stands out about this movie is Pan Nalin's superb direction and breathtaking cinematography, which depicts the 19th century Himalayas like never before in the first half of the film. However, the storyline was also quite slow-paced in the first half. On the other hand, the second half of the film, which takes place in modern-day Tokyo, doesn't have such a great cinematography but the storyline moves along at a much better pace, leading up to a hard-hitting and very touching ending.8/10
Shashi Gudur incredibly great and realistic movie, showed the real beauty of ladakh, nice story line excellent execution, lead actors looked really great but acting is bleak lead actress Mylène Jampanoï , she is amazingly beautiful. Director succeeded in holding audience attention till the end, even though length of the movie is very long but i never felt bored or off track at any point. Excellent costumes, shooting in ladakh is difficult task , really great efforts from the whole crew. I really feel this movie deserves better promotion world wide. I just came to know about this movie through the news that the lead pair got married.I really wonder why there is no publicity for such a great movie. fate of this movie quite similar to that of ladakh - unseen and untouched beauty
Fulton2007 Yesterday I had an opportunity to attend the private screening of integral version of Valley of Flowers (155minutes!!) in the "chick" Planet Hollywood on Champs-Elysees in Paris. The film made huge impact on me. A week earlier I saw The Fountain (2006) by Darren Aronofsky. I liked the Fountain as well but it is Valley of Flowers sent my brain spinning.The reason I mentioned the Fountain is because I was struck by the similarities of the theme in these two movies –love across ages, death and immortality, man's fight against time… Human beings in constant state of seeking equilibrium in love, life, nature and human nature.Both Aronofsky and Nalin are known for invading the unknown realms of the real and surreal world. Though Valley is just a second feature of Pan Nalin, but the maturity he displays in handling of his subject matter is truly astounding. Valley of Flowers is truly an independent film compare to giant 35million dollar Fountain with star cast. Fountain is witnessing a vast release worldwide. Meanwhile Valley might not even make it to our domestic screen here in US. However, It is Nalin's film, which stirred me so deep, I felt a true sense of unearthing and that made me write, my very first comment on IMDb. I know nothing about Buddhism or Yeti or Tibet or Himalaya. But that did not matter; the film gave me enough to chew. Of course the Himalayan parts are breathtaking, like in his earlier Samsara (2001), but here the "landscapes of faces" of Bandits are awesome. Costume and Production design are top-notch, aesthetics better and higher than many multi-million dollar Hollywood blockbusters.Nalin's cinematic sense, and certain trance like camera movements are evocative; his girls are divine (even though they are playing demon). Again like in Samsara, Nalin discovers Mylene Jampanoi; a French Chinese actress gets a break to do her first feature. Nalin auditioned several hundreds across the world before discovering Mylene. Indian actor Milind Soman is less impressive but Naseeruddin Shah again proves his talent as one of the greatest actor of Asian cinema in his brilliant interpretation of yeti.Nalin also proves his talent as an extraordinary screenwriter, he wrote both Samsara and Valley of Flowers. His cinematic structures do not follow any recognizable genre or style. His dialogs and editing is constantly breaking rules –must mention an amazing scene of hero's "time walk" in Valley of Flowers with simple cuts on pair of feet walking from early 19th century to modern day Tokyo. This scene in itself is a cinematic poetry in the realms of Rilke or Rumi.I've been professor of Japanese Culture and society and dealt with many of the themes of Pan Nalin's movies. Nalin's portrayal of modern day Tokyo makes keen observation about existence of superstitions, demon and notion of death in Japan. Nalin manages to penetrate the layers of modern day Japanese life very effectively. Unfortunately, in the Fountain, Aronofsky fails to display similar command in scenes of ancient Spain and modern day medicine episode.Again it is amazing coincidence how Aronofsky and Pan Nalin, both these young filmmakers chose their hero in modern times to be a Doctor. Controversial Dr. Zinelli of Dignitas of Zurich who assisted several people in their voluntary death inspires Nalin's modern day hero. Meanwhile Aronofsky's hero researches to fight cancer. Again Nalin's episode in modern day Tokyo leads to a sublime conclusion of the story where many twists are revealed, love and lovers are sacrificed -in some of the most poetic and memorable scenes in history of modern-Asian cinema.I ask this question several times to myself why the festivals like Cannes, Venice, Berlin or Pusan have failed to highlight this talented filmmaker from India. I've been huge fan of Satyaji Ray but now nearly 50 years later there is a filmmaker emerging from India with a new voice and new style new energy - a truly modern and universal filmmaker. I am sorry to say there have been many others in between like Mira Nair or Shyam Benegal or Das Gupta –but Pan Nalin is beyond, he is in another league all together. With his two features, I have this intuition that there is something churning within this filmmaker like a volcano. The day that volcano finds voice we will witness an existence and acknowledgment of a brilliant filmmaker. Is anyone listening in Hollywood?
chomchom I watched this film at its international premiere in Delhi a month or so back. the hall was packed as it was the opening film of the Asian film festival.. and expectations ran high. i was personally very excited at the thought of a pan-Asian cast, a storyline that ran through centuries, a mix of Indian sensibilities with an international the middle of the film, i couldn't wait to get out of the hall! and i wasn't alone, practically the whole hall was in a tearing rush to leave.. not sure of why this completely uninspiring and flawed film had been picked to open the festival! the acting is atrocious (although the women are hot!), the plot is far-fetched and unconvincing, and the film has every stereotype imaginable as far as depiction of the spiritual side of India is concerned! it doesn't miss out on anything... there are levitating sadhus, abominable snowmen (well, almost), bandits and huurrs. yet, somehow despite all the razzmatazz and the seemingly honest intentions of the director... this is a film that fails to hold your interest beyond the excellent production design.i haven't watched samsara.. but hear that it is a major international success, which explains how pan nalin managed to raise money for this mammoth production.. but really after watching VOF, i couldn't care less! and oh yeah, milind soman should go back to modeling... acting is just not his thing!