R | 24 August 2012 (USA)
Compliance Trailers

On a particularly busy day at a suburban Ohio fast food restaurant, manager Sandra receives a phone call from a police officer saying that an employee has stolen money from a customer.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Lugo1989 I stumbled upon this film about a week ago and decided to see it since the premise seemed quite interesting and now it just won't leave my mind. I'm not going to give anything away when it comes to the story itself since I think the film will have an even greater effect if you don't know anything about it.It is almost impossible to believe that this is based on a true story. My thoughts towards the end of the film were that they surely added some events purely for dramatic purposes but it turns out that everything actually happened like already mentioned in some of the previous reviews. What went through the minds of all the people involved in this story and why they made such incomprehensible decisions and the light bulb above their heads never went on is beyond me. I realise that psychological experiments have been made in the past on the subject of obeying authority with some shocking results but this story is just insanely hard to believe.The film will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time and definitely provoke a strong reaction. The acting was very good and seemed natural, same goes for direction and of course the pace.If you you like thought provoking films that don't leave you cold and you can debate them with your friends for days to come this is definitely for you. It is a very well made film that you shouldn't miss.
MrAwesome1022 If this had been a film crafted without any factual basis I would have given it a one. The characters were incompetent beyond reason. Only two throughout the film used any form of rational thought.Even a basic understanding of police procedure was not understood. After watching the film I researched the incident and the only detail that was changed made the film less disturbing than actual events.It is remarkable that this was the worst out of 70 incidents. Perhaps not so much for it being the worst, yet the fact this happened on 70 different occasions.I am very familiar with the Milgram experiments and this movie goes to show just how little we question authority. The acting was very well done, but I felt the movie should have spent more time on the court proceedings that followed.The end result was disturbing as well. I had a hard time enjoying the movie with how senseless the main characters acted.Real Score: 5.4
Georgian Matache This is my first review of a movie on IMDb but I felt I had to do it due to the huge number of improper reviews that you can find all over the internet.The background: Besides being based on a true story (just Google "Compliance the real story", but only AFTER you see the movie, due to spoilers) and depicting the reality 90%, this film is a psychological drama about the obedience towards authority. As a result, Compliance is not about stupid people and is not about "it can only happen in US". Anyone who makes such claims is 1. uneducated and 2. an ignorant. Similar situations with the one in this movie can (and probably already have) happen to you at any moment.Obedience towards authority and inertia: If you want to understand the characters, you will have to read about the Milgram experiment which proved more than 50 years ago how humans can blindly obey an authority figure EVEN if the orders become at one point entirely ABSURD. I strongly recommend to do this before you watch the movie, otherwise you are at risk of finding the story unbelievable and stupid.Additionally, you will need to understand how inertia is affecting our decisions. The bottom line, no matter what one would decide at one point, the next chronological decision on that matter will most likely be made in order to confirm the previous action (long story short, once you are on a path, even if you have no logical reasons to continue, you will invent them in subconscious in order to justify your previous decisions).Bottom line: If you have no interest in human philology you will very likely find this disturbing movie boring (the entire action takes place in a small room), the action - highly improbable and the characters - plain stupid. On the other hand, if you take the time to do your research, this movie might totally change your perspective about the human behavior.
Rich Wright If someone rung your fast food restaurant out of the blue, told you he was a police officer, and said you one of your employees had stolen from a customer, and needed to be detained... Would you believe them? If he FURTHER claimed that she had to be strip searched before the cops arrived, and he wanted you to do it there and then, would you say 'yes'? And that's just the beginning of the ordeal...All this sounds far-fetched and exaggerated, but it actually happened 11 years ago to a 19 year old called Louise Ogborn. And if the guy on the other end of the line in real life is as half as convincing as the one playing the role in Compliance, I'm not that surprised they fell for it. His tone has that authority to it, and as one of the duped victims says "He had an answer for every question". What kind of sadistic pleasure you could derive from traumatising a young girl for life when you're not even in the same room I don't know... But the world can be a sick, sick place sometimes I guess...As each indignity upon indignity heaps up on this innocent person who thought she was only there to do a shift, it becomes increasingly more distressing to watch. This is the mood the film strives for, as the viewer might react with incredulity at the fact that anyone could believe this caller's nonsensical story, but thanks to the raw performances and the nuanced plot progression, we eventually can. My the time it's over, you'd probably want to take a long, hot shower. I did too. After getting rid of the limescale around the drain. 7/10