Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star
Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star
R | 09 September 2011 (USA)
Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star Trailers

A kid from the Midwest moves out to Hollywood in order to follow in his parents footsteps -- and become a porn star.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Seth Landers I'm a huge fan of Adam Sandler's films and for the most part, I like Nick Swardson. However, this was very bad. I don't have anything against movies with sexual content or gross out stuff, it just has to be funny. After watching this, I know that Nick Swardson was NOT born to be a lead.He gives us a semi creepy performance and all the jokes fall apart fast. For example, he says "Miles is getting an eight ball, I don't wanna play pool" or something like that. Just stuff that makes you cringe. The whole movie lacks an actual story, it's just a bunch of bad penis jokes and "point and laugh at the freak" jokes as well. A lot of great actors wasted (Christina Ricci, Mike O'Connell, Don Johnson) and the humor doesn't work here. It tries too hard to mix sentimental and mean-spirited stuff, which both fail. When Bucky gets a roommate, the dude (Kevin Nealon) is such a jerk that you wish he hung himself and left the poor guy alone.The entire film is predictable and Stephen Dorff looks like Bret Michaels, which isn't a good thing. I smiled several times but didn't laugh at all. I don't understand why they couldn't put more effort into it. Making Bucky into a wimp who can't even perform correctly in these adult movies just shows you the thought that went into making it. Skip this one, you'll be glad you did!
falco12351 yet another quick buck for Happy Madison,this movie is almost as bad as Jack and Jill. this movie was a blatant and unfunny rip off of Boogie Nights and A Star Is Born, and on top of that some scenes make you want to hurl instead of laugh. If you pirated this movie don't feel ashamed because nobody should buy the DVD or even rent it which I did regrettably, so if you want a movie that's more entertaining than this get Boogie Nights or A Star Is Born instead. Adult Humor is only funny if its written with context, in this movie however it is extremely childish, crude and just disgusting. now I've seen Happy Madison make good movies in the past, but this one just deserves to be forgotten
villard Scientists say that nature abhors a vacuum. But a comedic vacuum has managed to survive inside the mind of Adam Sandler and his co-creators. This film doesn't stop at the bottom of the barrel for its sheer stupidity, but lands about three floors below the barrel. It is miscatagorized as a comedy because there's absolutely nothing funny about it. The oddball lead character – who looks like the love child between Prince Valliant and a beaver -- is as annoying as nails on a chalkboard. The CIA should use outtakes of him for torturing confessions out of terrorists. The film's ongoing orgasm/ejaculation shtick is utterly tasteless and just makes you queasy. This is the most pathetic waste of celluloid I've seen in a very long time.This box office flop must have come straight out of one a Sandler's pubescent wet dreams.
Raymond Watt I look at the poster for this movie and I realize that sometimes you should judge a book by it's cover. This movie is amazingly awful even by the standard of Adam Sandler's Happy Madison production company. That's how you know ahead of time if a movie is crap: if Adam Sandler's name is in the credits as a co-writer or an executive producer, but Sandler himself doesn't star in it. The plot: Sandler protégé Nick Swardson (clearly the Rob Scheider of our time) plays Bucky Larson, a thirty-something, mentally retarded man-child living in Iowa with his conservative parents. He talks funny, has buck teeth, and has an awful haircut, and much of the movie's "humor" derives from that. One day after being fired from work, his friends try to cheer him up by watching "nude movies" only to find that Bucky's parents were once successful porn stars in the 70s. Bucky, who for some reason is not disturbed by seeing his parents in a porno, decides it is his destiny to become a porn star and heads for the San Frenando Valley.Unfortunately his genitalia is so small, he can use a straw as a condom. At the sight of a naked woman, he screeches like a hyena and ejaculates all over the place. Lucky for him a porn director Miles Deep (whose character reminds me I could be watching "Boogie Nights" instead of this abortion of a movie) decides that he could star in a new type of porn, where men don't feel threatened by him and women could feel that they have a prize compared to him.The movie has us root for the most unlikeable schmuck in recent memory. Consider a scene where Bucky auditions for a Mac and Cheese commercial and to the horror of the judges (and the people watching this movie) takes off his pants and starts jerking off and even sticks him thumb up his but. There are many gags like these and they all have no set up. What led Bucky to think that it was a porn audition? Does he think porn movies are the only movies out there? Take the dick drawings montage from "Superbad". That was funny precisely because it had a build up to it. This movie was directed by Tom Brady, not the football quarterback although he probably could have made a better movie. He has previously directed the masterpiece "The Hot Chick" with Rob Schneider, also a horribly unfunny movie that relied only on it's one joke premise. People when you pay to see a movie, please do some research beforehand. Know who stars in it, know who wrote it, who directed it. Read some reviews If you do so, you may always avoid seeing garbage like is. As for Nick Swardson, in the words of Roger Ebert: Your movie sucks.