The Foreigner
The Foreigner
R | 01 June 2003 (USA)
The Foreigner Trailers

This story is about a freelance agent (Seagal) who is the courier of a package from France to Germany. He soon finds that many people want to get their hands on it.

IslandGuru Who payed the critics
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
albrechtcm Watching a Steven Seagal movie these days is like going to McDonald's. You know it won't be very good, but you know exactly what to expect. Call us crazy but we can't help liking Mr. Seagal and watching his movies, most of which are just terrible. Some of his earlier efforts were good, well-made with decent scripts, but in more recent years, between him being grossly out of shape and scripts being written by some high school kid, not to mention the lack of budget, there just isn't much to recommend these flicks. In this outing, we have to have a highly-trained man who works outside the box to deliver a mysterious package to someone. Now the package is just a box wrapped in paper with strings tied around it. My initial thought was why the devil didn't they just ship it via UPS with no fuss and no muss? Nobody would even know it had been shipped and there was nothing about it to make it stand out. Of course then there would have been no story, and even with Mr. Seagal in charge of the package there wasn't much story. At one moment his unfailing marksmanship was deadly at any distance and at another he couldn't hit a guy across the room with a shotgun until the fourth try. As usual in this type of film everybody wants to kill Mr. Seagal but somehow he always comes through. There was absolutely no reason in the world to send the package anyway. The whole thing could have been handled by the shipper with a match. End of story. And of course, in this type of film, his handlers always want to eliminate Mr. Seagal. In one scene the baddie tells a top killer he wants Mr. Seagal dead and an empty folder at Langley tomorrow. Later, when he talks to his boss on the phone, he asks what his boss wants him to do about Mr. Seagal. I realize dead and an empty folder at Langley is pretty vague, but even so, I got the idea before this hit-man did. One other concern is that if you don't have the budget to make an action flick with lots of special effects, it's better to stick to something less spectacular, like a little love story or something. As I said above, we can't help liking Mr. Seagal. I especially loved him when he was posing as ship's cook and, despite the attack going on around him, spent a good deal of time worrying about his pies in the oven. So despite the deterioration of his films, I suppose we'll keep watching until there are no more.
namashi_1 Being a hardcore fan of Steven Seagal, I watched 'The Foreigner'. Though I see much hate for this film, I didn't find myself bored or disappointed. Its a decent one-time watch!'The Foreigner' tells the story of a freelance agent, who is the courier of a package from France to Germany. He soon finds that many people want to get their hands on it.'The Foreigner' begins superbly & the first-hour, overall, is classy. The second-hour does get problematic, but the climax as well as the action-sequences, are effective. The Screenplay by Darren O. Campbell has merit, but a neater second-hour was much needed. Michael Oblowitz's Direction is fair. Cinematography captures the stunning locales of Poland, aptly. Editing is alright.Performance-Wise: Seagal is truly unbeatable in his own way. He scores & excels, yet again! Max Ryan does a fine job. Jeffrey Pierce & Harry Van Gorkum are okay. Anna-Louise Plowman is sincere.On the whole, 'The Foreigner' has some striking moments.
nmheavy If I could have given this film 0/10 I would, and this is the first film I have wanted to rate so low. Its worse than awful. If I went to see it in the cinema I would want the cinema to pay ME for watching it (at least minimum wage). Some of the camera shots were quite effective, but a lot were rubbish eg. villains reflection in a mirror that separates his head and shoulders side-ways from his body (seeing is believing). Several totally pointless killings of innocent civilians. 2 murders that made me laugh out loud due to the victims actions/facial expressions when they were shot. I only watched it to the end (fast forwarding about 10 mins of the boring pointless dialogue) hoping to see Seagal in some decent hand to hand combat, but there was almost none of that (should have known that when at the beginning he threw someone while going down an elevator and it was shown in slow motion with music - end of 'action' scene). In one scene we see Seagal hand chop someones neck in slow motion which makes it obvious that his hand never even made contact). The chief villain keeps coming back to life. He gets shot in the chest on 2 separate occasions. The 1st time its with a shotgun which blows him out the 2nd/3rd floor onto the street. To sum up, this film is a total waste of time and a total joke. It looks very low budget (even for Seagal). The colour is dull and grey. I could go on and on....just like this film, but I wont. Watch this film if you've got insomnia. Its guaranteed to put you to sleep.
annettep38 Why on earth does five US keep repeating this one? the title actually says it all: the plot is as clear as a book read in a language you never heard of and that resembles to nothing.You'll see ninety minutes of changing locations, most of them will be blown up later on in the movie. Right in the beginning you see a nice little farm typical for the Berry, which is in the movie moved close to Paris but then it does not survive the "transport" to the Isle de France very well: it explodes 1 minute later. there are also two gangster who have no tongues, as if that would make sense in the world of SMS and internet, let alone pencil and paper.It just goes on like that, nothing makes sense in this story. my only credit goes to the cameraman, the camera is excellent.
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