Young Mr. Lincoln
Young Mr. Lincoln
NR | 09 June 1939 (USA)
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In this dramatized account of his early law career in Illinois, Abraham Lincoln is born into a modest log cabin, where he is encouraged by his first love, Ann Rutledge, to pursue law. Following her tragic death, Lincoln establishes a law practice in Springfield, where he meets a young Mary Todd. Lincoln's law skills are put to the test when he takes on the difficult task of defending two brothers who have been accused of murder.

Cortechba Overrated
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
persianlax I thought this movie did a great job of portraying Lincoln whom has such a god like status in our society and culture due to his achievements as president, this movie was able to give the viewers a more humanistic view of Lincoln, it was really interesting to see Lincolns start in the political field, when he first gives his speech he is shy, quiet, a man of few words yet everything he says you can tell he means it from the bottom of his heart. The movie was slow but it helped the viewers get an insight on what was going on in Lincolns mind. One of my favorite scenes is when the town is at the prison and wants to murder the two brothers being charged with murder. They all want him dead and similar to the classic scene in To Kill a Mockingbird, Lincoln faces the crowd at the front door of the prison And uses logic and reasoning and stands by his strong moral compass to convince the town that a fair trial is needed. The courtroom dialogue was written very will and Lincoln the whole time is calm cool and collective. When he calls the lead witness again and catches him in a lie and proves his case right and the brother's innocent it helps build on his legacy of a master orator, For its slow moments in the movie it certainly made up for it with the tense filled courtroom dialogue.
a-cady At one point the movie was so dark I sort of was drained trying to see every little detail. The movie sound was great for each scene, but the motion picture was so dull. I love how the story line is a autobiography yet included fictional parts since it's Hollywood. A few scenes would've been great for a colorful film example the walk Abe and Ann went on near the river that would've created a unique scenery. One scene that was very powerful yet realistic was the scene when Abe goes walking on the snow and as the audience you see like ice glaciers in the back giving a little verisimilitude to the film while he was visiting Ann asking her what should he do go to law school the other thing he asked was should he stay in town while using a stick. The film wasn't as crisp as the other black white films we watched in class. I still enjoyed the movie giving the score of 7.
dvn-86386 This film is slow starting but once its going it gets pretty good. Cinematography to the film is not exactly spectacular, but story-wise it is a good one and does have some good acting to it as well. Normally I find the courtroom-type of films/shows very interesting, but unfortunately with this film it did have some slowness in it throughout the film. I would recommend the film, just don't expect to be wow'd but sit there and enjoy a nice story instead.
AugustGib This film isn't the most exciting, it's a nice story about one of the most beloved US presidents. I've seen a few films about Lincoln and this wasn't the best but it was good. It's similar, in the story and how it's told, to other southern films of the time. I know watching a film that is almost 80 years old, some things are going to be cheesy, but some of the sayings in this film are ridiculous. For example; when the men of the town are trying to break down the door to the jail and Lincoln stands up and gets them to disperse he says things like "come up here and wet your horns". It's these idioms that add to the "cheesiness", but by no means does it take away from the performance by Henry Fonda