R | 03 April 1990 (USA)
Catchfire Trailers

A witness to a mob assassination flees for her life from town to town, switching identities, but cannot seem to elude Milo, the chief killer out to get her.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Eric Curto I watched this film today, as its gonna be off Netflix soon, fortunately this is the Director's Cut, so it is titled "Backtrack"(probably a bit of irony for Direct/Star Dennis Hopper). The story isn't the first time we had something like this, although what occurs between Hopper and Forster was unexpected. The cast is A-List, Jodi Forster, Dennis Hopper, Joe Pesci, Paul Sorvino, even the crazy guy from Anger Management is in this(we even get cameos by Bob Dylan and Vincent Price) and all do a fine job, the film is known for its unfortunate behind the scenes drama that occurred between Hopper and the original production company, so its nice to see him being able to have the version he wanted released. There are quite a few drag on moments, but the overall tone of the film is good, its starts off strong, dwindle for a bit and than ends, this is probably where the film falters, usually as a film is getting close to its conclusion, the audience can feel it, its not felt here, a scene happens and than credits, no real resolution. I voted the film 8 out of 10(3 out of 5)because it has some great moments and the actors do give it there all.
terence_laoshi-1 This movie really left me thinking ... but not about the plot, the direction, the characters, an underlying message, or a clever script. Far from it. I was left wondering what in Sam Hill went wrong behind the scenes. Clearly, something was badly amiss from the beginning.I'm amazed at the positive comments for the movie and for Jodie Foster's performance. From the get-go it was clear that Foster had phoned this one in. One earlier comment even made a favorable mention of her facial expressions. I must have been watching a different movie since Ms Foster (usually a personal favorite) seemed to be totally disinterested.In one of his first scenes with Foster, Fred Ward looks as though he, also, is distracted by her lack of energy and he struggles to deliver his own lines with any enthusiasm. By the time he's called upon to take part in a supposedly desperate search for runaway Foster, Ward also seems to have become embarrassingly half-hearted about the project.In my opinion, Dennis Hopper has always been a uni-dimensional performer, so I wasn't expecting much from him ... and he delivered.Yes, this one left me thinking long after it ended. The fact that Joe Pesci and Charlie Sheen refused to have their names attached to the project suggests that this was a real stinker for everyone involved. But to then learn that the Director preferred to hide behind a pseudonym speaks volumes.But why listen to me? I always think Foster looks ridiculous in a dress, yet she's sensational in lacy underwear.
jdmovieman Backtrack does have an intrigue, and as others have wrote, it goes downhill in the later acts. But all the filmmakers had to do when Milo the hit-man calls in his marker to claim (lies) that he has knocked off the woman witness after their weird love-affair and wants his pay is to make that killing claim the truth. He should have bedded her, then disposed of her. Then surely audience tears would have fallen. They turned what was potentially a stunning ending into a far-out shoot-out with cops and bad-guys inside a flammable industrial plant. Seeing Jodie Foster nude in the shower was a rather pleasant thing. Vincent Price as a mafia don was a slight miscast. All in all, I'd see this movie again.
merklekranz Despite the shameless overacting by almost the entire cast, and, despite the "chop shop" editing of the DVD, and, despite the two famous actors (Charlie Sheen, Joe Pesci) who yanked their names from the credits, and, despite the randomness and somewhat unbelievability of the script, and, despite the movie's tendency to vacillate wildly between genuine tension, dark humor, titillating nudity, and cartoonish situations, in spite of all these potential faults, "Backtrack" is very watchable. It has fantastic on location photography, that only adds to the enjoyment of a somewhat flawed, nevertheless intriguing, and ultimately entertaining movie. - MERK