NR | 11 April 2015 (USA)
Candlestick Trailers

A social gathering is rocked to its core when Jack accuses his best friend's wife of infidelity. But as the allegations start flying, it soon emerges that a far more sinister game may be at play...

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
LaDonna Keskes No one to like or root for--the main character is palpably, greasily unlikeable. So's the guy he's pulling a stunt on. The female is without any sex appeal whatsoever, in spite of over-applied over-red lipstick and flowing blonde hair--plus she's cheating on her poor slob of a husband. There's an irrelevant boor who swills down all the sherry and makes drunken comments. The "perfect murder"--which of course isn't perfect at all by the end of the film, but we knew that already--is a perfect bore. People sit around getting drunk and insulting each other and then having Moments, where everyone is silent and then drinks some more. And THEN! the bad guy brags the whole plot away, except he forgot one thing that exposes him at the end. He also manages to bludgeon someone at least six times without getting any blood anywhere.The musical score is aggressive, leaden, and overpowers the flimsy story. Like the director, it seems narcissistic and self-referential, i.e.,"look what I composed!"Don't bother with this movie unless you have some sort of crush on the director.
trinkschiz Director/Co-Writer Christopher Presswell has created cat and mouse game in the style of Alfred Hitchcock. It's a drawing room suspense film built around a handful of high quality actors and a malevolent conceit. The invitees to a small gathering are rocked by an accusation of infidelity, and the ensuing events play out with style. Both the shooting and the soundtrack have a classic clever suspense film feel.Also, Candlestick deliberately references the idea of board games both with the game played in the movie and the title itself, which hearkens back to Clue, the classic murder mystery game. I hope Presswell keeps working in the genre, making intelligent suspense films like this.
tobyhubner I have to admit this is not my favourite genre, I'm a comedy man, but my DAUGHTER, who is all of 12 years old, loves these movies so we watched and had a great time digging into a bowl of popcorn and digging our nails into each other, this movie really delivers on the spooky suspense and takes a familiar genre and plot setting that everyone can relate to and turns it on its head...the filmmaking and particularly the SOUND is fantastic, I don't know how they got such great sound on a low budget but the sound contributes to the creepy suspense and finally drives you to the edge of your seat, without spoiling or giving away anything its highly recommended this film achieves what Hollywood films can only hope to achieve;...real people; real actors ...real suspense.
zif ofoz The plot line and characterizations in this movie would have been far more entertaining on stage in a dinner theatre!Each one of the male actors seemed wooden and uncomfortable in front of the camera. The only female actor, Ilsa Ure, seemed perfectly natural and at comfort before the camera. This conflict between the actors made the movie seem very stagy and at practice.The plot line is full of holes as Jack weaves the setting for the evening to create the perfect murder. Above all the many holes, why send the uncle down the street to call the police? It wasn't logical and was a forced scene just so Jack could have his lengthy soliloquy. There are others such as when Frank said "Jack wouldn't lie" at that Vera would have heard alarm bells.Not a bit suspenseful nor clever.
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