The Ugly Dachshund
The Ugly Dachshund
G | 16 February 1966 (USA)
The Ugly Dachshund Trailers

The Garrisons are the "proud parents" of three adorable dachshund pups - and one overgrown Great Dane named Brutus, who nevertheless thinks of himself as a dainty dachsie. His identity crisis results in an uproarious series of household crises that reduce the Garrisons' house to shambles - and viewers to howls of laughter!

Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
cheatersquad Despite being an old movie, this is very cute and likable. For its time, it has good production value. It is a tad predictable at times, but still adorable and fun to watch. I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to watch a funny and cute story, while seeing some adorable puppies along the way. The acting is very good as well and doesn't seem as staged as it is in some other films.
bkoganbing This Disney comedy stars Dean Jones and Suzanne Pleshette as a happily married couple who have dog issues. Pleshette is the proud owner of a pregnant dachshund who has to make a mad dash to the veterinarian to give birth which costs Jones a bunch of moving violations.But while at the veterinarian's, Charlie Ruggles after delivering Suzanne's three dachshund pups persuades Jones to take in a Great Dane pup because the mother rejected it from her litter. Jones not too reluctantly agreed as he's always wanted a big man size dog.Of course when Suzanne finds out she reluctantly agrees, but not for long as the puppy grows up big and bumptious. The bulk of the film is taken up with the big bumptious Great Dane making a wreck of their lives. Poor dog whose named Brutus gets blamed for everything even when it isn't his fault. But he proves himself a winner at the end, literally.Jones and Pleshette are a nice couple and the chemistry is good. One thing I took exception to is the sequence where the big dog actually trees a police officer. I mean really, we all know that cop Kelly Thordsen in real life would have just shot the dog. There's been enough stories out there about trigger happy cops to know that's the case. But not in the Magic Kingdom.It's an innocuous Disney comedy that other than that scene holds up well as family entertainment.
halograce Have loved this movie, since first seeing it 40 years ago. Sweet and charming, witty and fun. The dogs are of course adorable, and the plot simple and captivating. Mark Garrison, who is referred to in the summary as Jim, I believe someone has their movies mixed up, Jim Douglas was in the Love Bug. Anyway, Mark and Fran are likable folks, the movie is also a favorite of my Grandsons, 3 and 5. Love Bug, Swiss Family Robinson, Old Yeller and Ugly Dachshund, are repeated often. The movie opens with a race to the hospital for the birth of the Dachsie puppies. Danke has three little girls puppies, and a Great Dane is pawned off on Mark, to be nursed by Danke. Seems the Dane has too many puppies, and so this begins the story. The Dane is the dog Mark has been yearning for, so he conspires to keep him in the family, even after he is weaned. The yarn scenes and the paint scenes genuine comedic antics of the best kind, and the party scenes at the end, classic. Don't miss this one, if you enjoy the Disney movie greats.
Troll-19 I first saw The Ugly Dachshund before I owned or shall I say a longhaired dachshund owned me. After seeing the movie the second time, I realized the dachshunds did not need extra training to totally upset a household. A delight to all dog lovers and dachshund enthusiasts in particular. Although the title pooch is a great dane, it is a "doxie" movie delight.