Lt. Robin Crusoe U.S.N.
Lt. Robin Crusoe U.S.N.
G | 29 July 1966 (USA)
Lt. Robin Crusoe U.S.N. Trailers

Lt. Robin Crusoe is a navy pilot who bails out of his plane after engine trouble. He reaches a deserted island paradise where he builds a house and begins to adjust to life. He is in for trouble however when a local girl is banished to the island by her father, who then comes after Crusoe.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
jfgibson73 People who like Disney's live action comedies and find Dick Van Dyke funny will enjoy this film. Van Dyke carries over half the movie with no one else to play off except a monkey. He then meets a group of island girls and organizes them against a tyrannical chief. It's extremely light hearted and very silly, but it's charm is that it's a product of a different time. No one is making comedies this straightforward in the age of irony.
johnstonjames this has always been one of my favorite Disney comedies. i've thought this film was really funny since i saw it as kid in the old days at the neighborhood movie theater. i still think 'One Of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing' is Disney's best live action comedy, but if you love the irreverent, zany, slapstick approach Disney the old school Disney films brought to comedy than 'Crusoe U.S.N.' has more than enough to offer.this is one of those special Disney classics that was successful and well liked back in it's time but now has pretty much been forgotten. even by many Disney fans. that's really a shame because the film has such a strong Disney look, feel and lots of the old school Disney charm, as well as 'Mary Poppins' Dick Van Dyke, that you would think Disney fans would be more curious about the film than they could be because there's not a lot to the film. it's basically a zany Disneyfied twist on the old 'Robinson Crusoe' story with a contemporary spin put on it by ol' Retlaw Yensid himself. there's also a lot of hardcore silliness involving a space astronaut monkey and women's right's for his girl Wednesday. enough to try the patience of any sensible person with a minimal sense of of the very best scenes involves Crusoe bailing from his jet plane and parachuting into the water where he has to survive in a small blow up raft while being attacked by a shark. it's straight out of a Donald Duck and Goofy cartoon. or a naval survival training film yet.whatever you may think of this Disney Komic's intellectual merits, it is pure Disney. just go ask ol' Retlaw Yensid. and it's full of more than it's share of gut belly haw haws.
mgilchrist I too, am very nostalgic for this movie, and I would love to see it again. Is it available on DVD or tape? Why don't they re-release it? Who owns it? Disney, or did they sell it? As far as I remember, there were only two characters in the movie - and a monkey, I believe. It was very funny, but I imagine that I have hyped it up in my mind so much over the past four decades that I will be let down when (if) I ever see it again. (It is a children's movie...) Was it Dick Van Dyke's first movie? I wonder why they didn't do a sequel - was he rescued? See, I can't remember. I know he had a cool mailbox-type-rig on which he slid his message in a bottle down to the ocean, and I remember he argued a lot with the Girl Friday.
Doc_Who This movie stars Dick Van Dyke (mary poppins) and Nancy Kwan(flower drum song ) in a cute spoof of the classic story. The story remains the same, it's just a disney movie so expect it to be clean !!as look for women's liberation thoughout the movie!!This movie also features a funny part with a book narrating and the effects upon dick van dyke are funny!!It's short so if you cannot stand the long movies hollywood is making these days , go try this jem!!!