Robinson Crusoe on Mars
Robinson Crusoe on Mars
NR | 01 June 1964 (USA)
Robinson Crusoe on Mars Trailers

Stranded on Mars with only a monkey as a companion, an astronaut must figure out how to find oxygen, water, and food and companionship on the lifeless planet.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
George Taylor When this film was made, NASA and space science were in their infancy. Still, this holds up well even now. Basically a space version of the famous novel, Two astronauts and a spider monkey accidentally crash land on mars. While there, the surviving Astronaut learns how to survive, makes an alien first contact and has several adventures. Yes, today we know that one can't survive on Mars without special gear, but, as I said, this was done in the dark ages of space exploration. The main characters are likeable, rounded characters and the story unfolds very quickly. It's a lot of fun and when watched people should remember that. A great movie.
Eric Stevenson Well, this isn't technically an adaptation of Robinson Crusoe, because Robinson Crusoe isn't even the character's name! In fact, we actually hear the word "Robinson Crusoe" being said at one point! As in, it's the name of a novel in universe! Still, this movie is a lot better than you would think. Judging from the title, I thought it would be pretty dumb. I expected it to have a lot of goofy looking aliens, given on par with 1960's effects.Instead, we actually got none of that but instead a faithful retelling of the classic tale! It's never campy or anything. Speaking of camp, I didn't even recognize Adam West in this movie and may he rest in space. The monkey is very entertaining here. I checked that he had a tail and is indeed a monkey! The colors are very nice and so is the character Friday. ***
inspectors71 Okay, don't even bother with the science in this wonderful little sci-fi retelling of Daniel DeFoe's Robinson Crusoe. It's just too out there.With that said, and my reiteration that Robinson Crusoe on Mars is wonderful, sit back with this fanciful, fun, and suspenseful story of an American astronaut marooned on Mars, battling to stay alive, and getting in the middle of slave-holding aliens. You guessed it. Friday is an escaped mining slave who provides the Terran the motivation to continue on, to defeat the Martian elements and the search parties looking for the slave.I remember seeing this movie when I was about 8. I fell asleep. It was boring. Strangely enough, RCOM isn't really a kid's movie, but it is a movie that patient children can intellectually access.I think the two things I liked the best about this flick were the slow and careful establishment of Paul Mantee's astronaut, Kit Draper, as a character we care about, and we want to see him survive. When he is confronted with this strange alien escapee, he doesn't trust him (in fact, he warns him repeatedly about stepping out of line). Through adversity, the two men from different planets begin to trust each other. That was very satisfying.The other part of RCOM that impressed me was the art direction, the graphics and visuals. Shot in Death Valley, the sky is a superimposed matte that gives the planet a (duh) extraterrestrial look. Great matte paintings, imaginative landscapes, and the alien ships that swoop in at about Warp 7 and start shooting, all make for a visual delight for somebody who can see past the lack of CGI, and mutter OMG.I caught the movie on Netflix. If you can find it, I would strongly recommend this dandy little space thriller!
Claudio Carvalho During a flight to Mars in the spaceship Mars Gravity Probe 1, Commander Christopher 'Kit' Draper (Paul Mantee) and Colonel Dan McReady (Adam West) are forced to deviate from an asteroid and they leave their spacecraft in pods. Draper lands on the surface of the Red Planet and survives. He learns how to produce oxygen and while exploring the planet, he finds McReady dead in his crashed pod. He finds also the monkey Mona and brings the animal to the cave where he is sheltered. He learns that he can breathe the Martian air for short periods but needs also oxygen. But Mona finds water and an edible plant in the underground. .After a long period alone, Draper feels the loneliness. One day, he sees a spacecraft landing on Mars and he believes it might be the rescue team to save him. But he finds aliens working on the planet and some of them are slaves. One of them flees and stumble with Draper and he names him Friday (Victor Lundin). Now he needs to find a way to be rescued and return to Earth."Robinson Crusoe on Mars" is a dated sci-fi based on Daniel Defoe's novel "Robinson Crusoe". This film seems to be the inspiration to Riddley Scott to "The Martian". Despite the beautiful cinematography, it is funny to see the concept of Mars with the present knowledge that we have of the Red Planet. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): Not Available on Blu-Ray or DVD