Star Command
Star Command
| 11 March 1996 (USA)
Star Command Trailers

A bunch of young and impulsive space cadets make their first real flight in space and realize that the attack they suffered wasn't a training mission. They face the Enemy alone and have the chance to save the world, and maybe to prevent the war? Can the cadets conquer the more experienced, stronger and much more evil enemy? (Written by Peter 'grin' Gervai )

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
carbon_dragon Though I would have like to seen more of Chad and Morgan, and though the acting wasn't exactly Academy Award (it was a bit kitchy), this was a fun story with an interesting plot, watchable special effects, and a storyline that I always like (junior officer takes command and saves the day). Seeing the hero win by cleverness and bravery instead of a plot trick makes it worth watching. The bad guys were suitably evil to deserve their fate. There was probably an even better movie in here somewhere, but what we got was a lot of fun. I'd compare it to Midshipman's Hope by David Feintuch or On Basilisk Station by David Weber (though those are probably a cut above this movie in story). Seafort in Midshipman's Hope is a bit more doom ridden though, and that gets kind of old. The hero here is gets to actually enjoy the experience, finding his forte at last instead of washing out of the academy.
mjarvis0 I have to disagree with negatives comments about this movie. I have watched it and to be sure it does not compare to the likes of Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5 etc. However it was a plausible story and the effects while not top notch were adequate. It portrayed the darker side of human nature when one of the cadets shirked from his duties, faced a court martial and then took his own life.The ladies uniforms were easy on the eye for us men folk however all that was exposed was thighs. It is not as though you lived in fear that one of their boobs was about to fall out. I did not know that this film represented a pilot episode and I think that it would have been hard to make a series out of the film because the story was pretty much closed and I myself was not left feeling that I wanted more. However to reiterate,it was a decent movie and one that I would have no trouble watching again should I come across in the TV listings.
Melvyn-5 What do you get if you take every space sci-fi cliche in the book, a limp story, mix with some pretty faces and Dynasty cast-off costumes? You get something pretty close to this - a truly awful movie that you just have to watch out of complete and utter disbelief. Which is a pity, as with a bit more thought and a lot less gloss this could have been very good. I have seen some cheesy movies in the past, but this was irridemable. Even MST3K would be embarrased to use this!
Torski I worked on this project and watched it over the course of more than a year, roughly from the end of principal photography until the final sound mix. It started out being pretty good, but over time was reconcepted into what we started referring to as "Babes in Space" or "Melrose Space." Even my dad, who watched it for the sole purpose of seeing my credit at the end, said that it "really isn't a very good movie." Thanks, dad.