Munster, Go Home!
Munster, Go Home!
| 06 August 1966 (USA)
Munster, Go Home! Trailers

Herman discovers he's the new lord of Munster Hall in England. The family sails to Britain, where they receive a tepid welcome from Lady Effigy and Freddie Munster, who throws tantrums because he wasn't named Lord Munster. An on-board romance had blossomed between Marilyn and Roger, but on land Marilyn discovers Roger's family holds a longstanding grudge against the Munsters.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
rjun67 I remember back in the summer holidays about 1980 (before we had the TV series repeats in England)I couldn't believe my luck that MGH was coming up after the break, it all sounded so good, and looked like it would be good spooky fun for this 13 year old. Sadly even at that age I remember being disappointed with the end result. Flash forward to 2013, I thought I would watch it again. Maybe I was expecting something different back then, who knows!...but no! same result, but I can tell you why this time. I think as an English person watching, I expected fun and frolics in the mother country, but instead was treated to obviously fake British accents and a fake landscape as well....obviously California! Still I guess I can't is cult, I'm just warning you!
moonspinner55 Theatrical farewell to Herman, Lily, Grandpa and the gang features many of the same talents behind the popular 1960s television show "The Munsters", but this misadventure seems a little bereft of imagination--perhaps a laugh-track might have helped? The ghoulish clan inherits a British estate, and Herman gets involved in a slapstick auto race. Debbie Watson is the one newcomer to the cast (taking over for Pat Priest as niece Marilyn), but not even a jovial Fred Gwynne or the glinty-eyed Al Lewis can raise this script from the crypt. Maybe filming the family in color was a technical error--it takes the edge off the Universal/monster movie satire which the TV show nailed without effort. This one strains for laughs, and ends on a whimper. *1/2 from ****
Scooby-Dude Let me start off by saying that I am very biased about The Munsters, having been a huge fan of the show since I was a little kid. That being said, I think that Munster, Go Home! is a very appropriate and enjoyable closing to the television show, which had a run of two seasons before it was canceled by CBS. This film remains true to the spirit of the show, with the same group of people who made the show possible (producers, original cast excepting Pat Priest) as the creative force behind the scenes. As always, Fred Gwynne, Al Lewis, Yvonne De Carlo, and Butch Patrick make this movie extremely enjoyable with their familiar and endearing characters that made the television show such a favorite. The supporting cast for the film is likewise terrific, headed by a scene-stealing Terry-Thomas (of "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World) as the deliciously sleazy Freddie Munster. I'm not going to recite plot here, as you can read the summary above, but I will warn potential viewers that while this movie was very fun to watch and it kept in the spirit of the television show, there is no laugh track, so you really need a good feel of the show's humor in order to develop a rhythm, so to speak. Also, a lot of gags are rehashed here-- {SPOILERS} For instance, Grandpa accidentally transforms himself into a wolf on board a ship, and must be quarantined. Lily nags Herman into rescuing him. Herman twists the lock of Grandpa's cage apart and picks him up, scaring the crew members who stumble into the room. Later, they smuggle Grandpa off of the ship by having him pose as a dead, fur stole around Lily's neck. This entire ordeal closely mirrors the episode of the show in which the Munster family goes camping. In this episode, Grandpa turns himself into a wolf and is captured by park authorities. After much nagging from Lily, Herman rescues Grandpa by twisting the lock off his cage and carries him out, scaring the park rangers who stumble upon the scene. The family then smuggles Grandpa out of the park, disguising him once again as Lily's fur stole. Another instance of rehashing television stories happens with the drag race, a crucial plot point of the movie. After Herman wrecks his initial race car, Grandpa uses spare parts and a coffin to build a drag racer he calls "The Dragula." This is handled in the film as if it is an original idea and has never happened before, but in actuality, there was an entire episode in which Herman loses the family car in a drag race, and Grandpa goes through the exact same process of building a drag racer from spare parts and a coffin in order to enter the next race and win back the family car. He calls his creation "The Dragula," and the cars in both situations are exactly identical. The difference is that the movie pretends the television episode never happened. However, if you really like this kind of humor, as I did and still do, and take this rehashing for what it was probably meant to be-- homages to familiar moments from the short-lived but much beloved television show-- then I think you will really enjoy "Munster, Go Home!" And hey, it's much much better than "The Munsters' Revenge"!
BumpyRide I'm surprised at the number of glowing reviews about this movie. Despite the only interesting aspect of the movie, which is its being in color, that stylish Munster magic is totally missing. I suppose they had to travel to make the time go by faster, but going to England really makes this romp rather stilted. The actors are giving their best, but rehashing jokes and situations from the TV seems rather sad. Not sure who the writers were but they totally missed the boat on this one and makes me wonder if they ever saw an episode from the TV show. And to recast Marilyn with a bland actress really screwed up the chemistry. Besides seeing the house and the characters in color, there's not much to keep your attention here, unless you're 12.