Permanent Record
Permanent Record
PG-13 | 22 April 1988 (USA)
Permanent Record Trailers

David Sinclair seems to have everything going for him: he's smart, musically talented, and very successful. To top off his senior year in high school, his band is trying to get a recording session. Therefore, David's suicide leaves everyone, especially his best friend and bandmate, Chris, with a lot of questions.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Lamya This movie is underrated one of Keanu Reeves best performance. The story of this movie is powerful and emotional; I wasn't expecting to enjoy it this much.
eapplebaum In 1986, my friend who was like a brother to me was suddenly killed at 18 yrs old. It shook up my whole world like I was in a blender and everything changed. in 1988 this film came out. I skipped a class at Hunter College in NYC and went by myself at the 1st showing of the day to a theater near the school on 66th and 2nd ave. There were about 4 people in the whole theater, including me. This film was so incredibly powerful and poignant for me, little did I know. Permanent Record remained a part of me for years, until now even (2014). Back in 1988, I was the surviving friend. The 2 surviving sisters and their parents to the death of my friend remained my 2nd family, to this day. They are Italian, in Italy. I returned home to live my life and mature. Now today. It is 2 weeks out from my own beautiful, incredibly kind, musically gifted, amazing nephew's suicide at just 21 years old. I am not sure if I can watch this film again, but I know I need to keep it close to me for when I might be ready. For those who hated it, please, no disrespect, but it really is a film specifically for those who have experienced immense loss. It's about loss of youth which equals loss of hope. To have never experienced such a monumental life changing event, one would not see past the holes in the story or the acting flaws because the film for them is just that, a film and deserves justified critiques. But for those who need to relate to this film on a more basic level that is merely the topic and it's basic execution, it works, deeply.
redhotsillypepper When I saw this movie, I had read no reviews and had heard nothing about it. I rented it because the sound track is by Joe Strummer. The characters are complex and real. There seems to be nothing extraordinary about them. Halfway through, I was thinking, "Gee, great acting and characters, but where is this thing going?" It is then that one of these teens kills himself. I was as surprised and horrified as the characters in the movie. The rest of the movie depicts the devastating effects of this act on his friends and family. I felt the hole left in their lives as if it had been left in my own. Having said this, the characters are still not particularly extraordinary. As most of us know, suicide, as devastating as it is, is a mundane act. Nothing extraordinary about it. This is the genius of this movie. Regular people, dealing with common everyday, real, horror and grief.
Spookster1974 When I first saw "Permanent Record", I was on a psych unit, trying to regain control of my life as a teenager. It was a movie that they'd shown to us to kind of teach us a lesson about how our actions and decisions affect the people around us. I really enjoyed this movie and wouldn't mind adding it to my collection.