R | 23 October 1987 (USA)
Suspect Trailers

When a Supreme Court judge commits suicide and his secretary is found murdered, all fingers point to Carl Anderson, a homeless veteran who's deaf and mute. But when public defender Kathleen Riley is assigned to his case, she begins to believe that Anderson may actually be innocent. Juror Eddie Sanger, a Washington lobbyist, agrees, and together the pair begins their own investigation of events.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
highwaytourist This is a completely implausible legal thriller/romantic thriller. The lack of credibility becomes more obvious as the movie grinds on. The things that Cher and Dennis Quaid's characters do would get them arrested and the case thrown out, and Cher's character would get disbarred. The case involves a dead Supreme Court Justice, yet the characters do things that would embarrass a first-year law student. I realize this is fiction, but even escapism has to be somewhat believable. The Perry Mason series was not reality, but at least it was somewhat credible. Also, the climactic scene is something that Agatha Christie would have been too embarrassed to use. A defense lawyer and a juror having an affair during a trial? Some have praised the chemistry between Cher and Quaid. It does help, but not enough.
jcappy Cher and her role are what are special about "Suspect." She is not only a convincing lawyer, but a convincing person. But of course, she might have been more, much more, if she wasn't so surrounded with such pat arrangements in plot, tone, and characterization. The Quaid relationship should not have caved in to "romance," the judge should not have been a suspect, the prosecutor should not be so boiler plate, and so forth. In short, the whole project would benefit from more thought and seriousness, which would have also provided the real suspense, so lacking here. (what there is so strains credibility as to make it non-existent---you know, TV movie land)
moonspinner55 A no-frills role for Cher playing an over-worked public defender whose latest client (forced upon her by the court) is a homeless, deaf-mute male accused of murder. Despite the lack of sass, this is a good Cher performance: focused, unselfish on the screen and quite natural, she's charming without effort. Dennis Quaid is a decent match for her as a Capitol Hill lobbyist and juror who wants to help piece together the mystery surrounding a murdered female clerical assistant who had information regarding dirty doings in Washington, D.C. A fairly sophisticated yarn, though one cut straight from a formula. Director Peter Yates does well at keeping the pace lively, however some of the early moments with Quaid are confusing (his role is half-written) and the script is weighty with contrivances and red herrings. A handful of the supporting performances are interesting, but why are the lesser roles--particularly that of a parking lot attendant and the victim herself--so amateurish? **1/2 from ****
roneill-4 I wasn't sure if the character Carl Wayne Anderson was supposed to be deaf. I thought he was only mute because of the traumas he had experienced. There were also a lot of other actors in the film who were outstanding, including Cher who was very believable.Anyway, Liam Neeson is a great actor and is very definitely under-rated. He's also extremely appealing to a lot of women, me included. I recommend "Rob Roy" (another movie no one seems to have seen, with Tim Roth as one of the best villains in any movie, ever) and of course "Michael Collins". Not to mention "Schindler's List". It's very strange that Liam Neeson hasn't yet won an Oscar. I haven't seen Kinsey yet.