The Other Man
The Other Man
R | 25 December 2008 (USA)
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The story of a husband who suspects his wife of adultery, and sets out to track down the other man in her life.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
SilkyWilky Skipping through reviews before watching this film, I nearly decided to give it a miss. But I found out it was a miss for those negative reviewers who didn't get it. It's a hit, for me anyway.It's gutsy, deals with real emotions colouring them in hither and thither as the scenes flick by in a non linear time line. That may sound like it's complex - it isn't. You are taken on a journey focusing on Peter, his wife being the essential background to the story, with his wife's lover the foil on which they both tread.If you're looking for a stereotypical Hollywood scorned husband movie, move along, you'll find no joy here. This is real life in content, pace and dialogue. It's not boring, its not slow and it is captivating. I dare any man who has been cheated on by the love of their life not to be deeply moved by this film. The same probably goes for women. As the story unfolds, there's another group of people that will be moved, and that's for you to discover.The ending is how it should be given the subject matter - some level of completion. And there's plenty to talk about afterwards. I'd love to say more but that would be giving away too much.Great acting by all, though Liam Neeson has, and holds firmly, the centre stage.I give this a low end of 9/10 if that's possible. Enjoy!
elshikh4 As you know, pure drama in Hollywood nowadays is a disease.Whenever you have big stars, then it must be whether a comedy or an action. Otherwise it's an independent movie or a disease to be cured of. And for this drama, they found the remedy of "let's make it a Thriller !!!".The problem isn't in the misleading publicity. It's originally in the way part of this movie was written. See well how the script "hides" the wife weirdly since the start. In fact it's not smart playing with time, rather an idiot attempt to make a thriller ! Speaking about faults. Antonio Banderas' character is relatively one. How come that this janitor wears deluxe outfits, or knows these people he accompanies? How come he knew the wife in the first place? How he afforded the room and the journey that they had once? Why he wasn't made as gambler instead of chess player? (that would have explained the presence of money, and its vanishing as well). He calls himself a cosmopolitan citizen? He seemed more like a cosmopolitan beggar to me !Cut to Banderas himself. OK, to solve his enigma; it must be 1 out of 2 answers. He was / is / will be typecast as the Latino lover. Or, he can't do anything but that ! Banderas is a load of charisma, with not much of an actor. He's not bad of course, but he's a star; with a portion of the bad nature of the term. Still nothing glows by him, and pleads for him too, else his Zorro. I didn't see anything he pulled off, distinctly, here except looking dazzling as a Latino lover. And yet, I can't decide is it him? Or is it Hollywood that makes him away from getting roles like the one Neeson got in this movie for instance !On the other hand Liam Neeson ruled. True he evoked some of his last thrillers. Especially when he traveled to Europe to search for someone badly (in Taken "2008" he was searching for his daughter, and in Unknown "2011" he was searching for his wife and himself.). Though, and on the contrary of Banderas, he could establish a good character. Despite not that great writing, many moments witness that Neeson is higher actor. Just forget the many many times he said "How Dare YOU ?!!!", and recall the last 10 minutes of the movie. This man can sometimes make a character by being silent. The director feels the story, however seems astray with it at times. I mean how many shot he took for Neeson in front of his computer?! So with the silly ambiguity that was made, or made up, since the start; the movie did have a free share of confusion and bore that the story didn't deserve. The editing, the music, and the cinematography did compensate a little. And with Neeson's acting; it's watchable and particularly sensitive at last.Yes, one heart can fall in love with 2. Yes, sometimes the closest person doesn't know the closest to us. And yes, these facts can be learned – sorrowfully – very late. But NO, playing with time for nothing but turning nice drama into thriller couldn't get more awfully forced !To Hollywood : don't do that again, unless rightly.
chucknorrisfacts "The Other Man" is so incredibly boring, I can't even believe I sat through the whole thing. I guess the only reason I did was because I hoped it would get better, but it never did.I would highly recommend avoiding this movie. I can't even begin to explain how disappointed I was in it. I mean, I didn't think it would be the kind of flick to win an Academy Award or anything, but I thought it would at least be a solidly written story, but it wasn't...and it shows! I have been a little disappointed in what I've been seeing from Liam Neeson lately...I didn't like this movie, and I didn't like "Unknown" either. I hope he starts picking scripts a little bit better before I start having seconds thoughts about seeing his movies.He's a great actor, but he's just not been picking the best scripts lately, which is weird because normally his movies are pretty damn good! Anyway, in conclusion, I'd say avoid this movie. It's a real letdown. Liam's usually an effective actor, but this script just holds him back from really being able to do anything.
MBunge In sexual terms, The Other Man is like having some pretty good foreplay but when you finally get around to doing the deed, the man's erection completely disappears. It slowly builds your anticipation, only to leave you with nothing but disappointment and frustration.Peter (Liam Neeson) is a successful businessman. Lisa (Laura Linney), his beautiful wife, is a shoe designer for high fashion. Abigail (Romola Garai), his daughter, is in love with a scruffy looking guy of whom Peter disapproves. After a cryptic post-fashion show conversation with Lisa, the film jumps ahead to Lisa being dead. That's when Peter discovers she was having an affair with a Spaniard named Ralph (Antonio Banderas). Peter compulsively seeks out Ralph (pronounced Rayf) and discovers her lover doesn't know that Lisa has passed away. Peter befriends Ralph and gets him to talk about Lisa and their love, seemingly as a prelude to killing him. But then Peter discovers the truth of who Ralph is and the reality of his feelings for Lisa and…well, I'm not really sure how to describe what happens after that. I mean, I could describe it, but you'll think I'm making it up because it's really that ridiculous.The first half of this film is quite effective. It treads a line between being an emotional drama and a thriller, always leaving you in of suspense about what's going happen. It subtly defines Peter as a man who's been unable to function since his wife's death until he finds a purpose in her adultery. You can see him wrap his arms around Lisa's betrayal as though it's brought her back to him and you can feel the tension build in him as he descends on the man who cuckolded him.After delightfully tantalizing the viewer, however, The Other Man goes irretrievably flaccid. All the emotion, all the investment, all the interest is killed deader than Napoleon's boner. That's because at the moment when the movie finally brings Peter and Ralph face-to-face, it goes into a string of intermittent flashbacks that continue through the entire 2nd half of the film. It's flashback after flashback of Lisa and Ralph, Lisa and Peter, Lisa and Abigail and it just destroys the story because all of the flashbacks displace the conflict you've been waiting the whole 1st half of the movie to see. You want to see Peter and Ralph interact. You want to see Peter play a cat-and-mouse game with the man he intends to kill. You want to see Ralph slowly start to wonder who this stranger is who keeps asking about Lisa. You want to see anger and jealously and hatred slowly seep into their conversations before exploding into the truth. And none of that really happens because the damned flashbacks get in the way. Peter and Ralph don't have one extended talk that doesn't get taken over by a flashback and it utterly derails all of the momentum built up in the story. To use sexual terms again, it's like watching an x-rated movie and in the middle of every sex scene, an image of your grandma pops up on screen.Now, Laura Linney does get naked, which remains a very good thing. She, Liam Neeson and Antonio Banderas also try hard, but Neeson and Banderas' characters are so frequently interrupted and displaced by all the damned flashbacks that they never get the chance to do more than sputter.The Other Man is half good, but the other half is so vexing that it ruins the whole thing. Unless you're somebody who only likes foreplay, don't bother with this motion picture.