Staten Island
Staten Island
R | 07 November 2009 (USA)
Staten Island Trailers

Sully is desperate to give his unborn son the chance he never had. Jasper wants to escape the mobsters that have infiltrated his life and business. Parmie, a local mob boss, dreams of crushing the competition. All three men live in Staten Island, and once their lives intersect, nothing will ever be the same.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
GazerRise Fantastic!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Frederick Smith This is delightful comedy where the mobsters all get their just desserts, but only after a series of really dumb moves by all concerned. Vincent D'Onofrio, who for years has played the role of Detective Goran in Law and Order: Criminal Intent, shows us his ability to completely change persona and delve into the mind of a small time hood with delusions of grandeur. Ethan Hawke delivers an excellent performance as the guy who cleans septic tanks for a living and wants a better life for his kid. Julianne Nicholson, who was also on Criminal Intent for a season across from Chris Noth, shows us an interesting character as Hawke's wife. And Seymour Cassel is excellent as the deaf mute counterman who secretly assists the mob in some of their more nefarious endeavors. The film is shot with the three perspectives merging into one, so the entire plot comes together in a very cohesive manner. One of the better Indies I have seen. Be forewarned it is a Russian Comedy, which is to say everyone dies, but they all die happy....well, not everyone. Rated R for violence and language, I highly recommend this one as a great rental. Collectible? Not particularly, but definitely a must see.
rhaslett-3 First of all, I love D'Onofrio and of late Ethan Hawke. I did not see anyone here as a bad actor or actress, quite the contrary. I was shocked that actors of this quality would have accepted such a sorry script. The lead-in was great, I love stories about the mob, New York and places like Staten Island. Hawke was in a great movie, What Doesn't Kill You along with Mark Ruffalo and Amanda Peet. That one is a great movie and casting job well done. This movies was a real yawner because of the repeated scenes throughout and the weird unreal scenes like D'Ononfrio sitting in a tree, come on. I almost asked for my dollar back at the video store!I can really understand why the name of the movie has been changed. May appeal to some people, but I would really recommend gene enhancement for their offspring.
samkan All three lead characters do excellent jobs, as well as Miss Nicholson, but they cannot rescue this film. The beginning narration is odd and appears to suggest we're going to get a sympathetic and/or humorous take on Staten Islanders and their inferiority complexes. But other than the mobsters being small time, there's nothing in STATEN ISLAND that really distinguishes the people or setting; i.e., they might as well be from any other suburban area.We understand that the ecology vehicle is not to be taken seriously but then it just disappears. We've not enough background on any three of the leads to truly become interested in any of them, though you can see the clumsy attempts to try and "teach" us about them. And the ending is ridiculous as well as unsatisfying.In short its just a mess, despite some quirky funny spots. I'm guessing the makers envisioned something like BLOOD SIMPLE. Definitely STATEN ISLAND is an attempt at Cohen Brothers-like suspense with blood and comedy. But this movie falls short in every category.
solomonmethod In my opinion the characters were well developed and well played out for their parts. The story kept me intrigued. Honestly I can think of a whole slew of movies that this one would go good next to; Burn After Reading for example. And I just loved the music that was playing during the credits.The problem for me was that all in all, by the end of it, I honestly could not fathom the reason for any of what had happened. After the movie ended I was left with a resounding unanswerable "WHY?". "What was accomplished?" "What was the use?" I was entertained by the characters and the story for an hour and a half, but the movie did not go anywhere. I honestly believe that the script was given a green light for the simple reason that everyone involved saw an opportunity to exercise their chops and do what it is that they're good at. The purpose here was not to entertain the audience or make some money. It was just a vehicle for those involved to feed their brain's craving to engage in a familiar and fun activity. Like doing a jigsaw puzzle, or a sudoku. Fun and engaging for the moment, but when you're done, what was it worth?