| 20 September 2007 (USA)
Croc Trailers

A large man-eating crocodile terrorizes tourists and locals near Krabi, in Thailand. Michael Madsen plays a hunter stalking the immense reptile, while sub-plots include a rivalry between a foreigner, who owns a crocodile-farm, and a Thai man who plays a part in framing the foreigner for the crocodile's rampage.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
SanteeFats This movie is evidently suppose to be set in Thailand. The plot is as basic and unimaginative as one can get. You got the baddies trying to grab the land of the good guy and then the eater shows up. The acting is comical at best from most of the cast. Sherry Edwards plays the animal control officer investigating Jack's Alligator Farm. She is probably the best actor in the movie. The two Konsong brothers are hokey as heck. They are so stereotypical class C bad guys it is not even funny. As for the Thai girls that are suppose to be sisters there is a bit of a problem. Most speak English with a slight accent but a couple of them have a definite Australian or maybe Kiwi accent. Now in this movie the saltie is stocking a larder but guess what? They don't do that, even going months without food. I can not understand why this movie got three stars out of four.
larry-485-161583 This movie was on last night and was truly AWFUL. I didn't expect much because the channel that it was on shows nothing but ninth rate "horror" movies. The acting was sub local rep standard. The "plot" was absurd. The characters were children's cartoon book like. The "hero" and his pal were utterly nerdy. The "giant" croc appeared to be about six feet long. The bad guys were inept losers. The local girls all looked like back street prostitutes. The "hero" got into trouble with the bad guys TWICE in the first few minutes and his geeky pal just happened to be driving close by to rescue him both times. What more can I say. Save yourself the sleep inducing time and avoid this none film.
garethspark32 I've seen some dreck masquerading as film, but this really took the biscuit. Dismal, amateurish, pedestrian, gratuitous, moronic drivel without a single redeeming feature. worse than the shabby acting and direction though, was the sense of something nasty lurking at the heart of the movie. Distasteful in the extreme; and quite, quite odd.The structure is quite strange, the characters are cyphers and the direction has a strange, claustrophobic quality that taints every scene with a weird, 1980's-south-african-cinema intensity that's quite nauseating. The Crocodile's utterly out of scale and the child's death is unnecessary and quite vile. I'm unsure what the intention of this piece of cinema was, but I'm quite certain, judging by the confused mish mash vomited onto the screen, that whatever they were, they were not attained. Avoid.
Michael_Elliott Croc (2007) * 1/2 (out of 4) In Thailand a couple teenagers are killed by a crocodile and an American owner of a croc farm gets blamed but he knows it wasn't one of his animals. It turns out that it's really a twenty-footer and thankfully there's a hunter (Michael Madsen) that has been tracking it and plans to take it out. This is a rather strange film because it seems like the screenwriter didn't have any idea where he wanted to take the story so they just went in whatever direction they felt like at the time of shooting. The entire plot is set up around this American guy being hated by a couple brothers from Thailand and their constant attempt to get him out of business. We get countless scenes where the brothers send tax men, police, animal welfare and various other people over to get him to go out of business and I kept wondering to myself why all of this was needed. It certainly goes no where and it doesn't help that we never find out why this guy wants to set up shop here and what got him there to begin with. As far as the crocodiles go, we get a mixture of real footage as well as some really bad CGI stuff. The CGI attacks are all very bad simply because they're so obviously fake. There's not a single attack here that comes off looking real and even the blood is bad CGI most of the time. For the life of me I can't understand why producers don't mind the effects looking this cheap and bad but oh well. Another major problem is that none of the characters are at all like able but this is certainly due to the screenplay that seems to build up the dumbest bit of information on them and we get even dumber scenes like the stuff at the bar when the Americans are trying to pick up some girls. The T&A level is at zero and the death scenes are all bad so those looking for any kind of sleaze are going to be disappointed. None of the performances are very memorable and that includes Madsen who is obviously just picking up a paycheck. The only major plus to this film is that it was actually shot in Thailand, which gives us some terrific visuals but that's about it. There aren't any scares either so we're left with a pretty bad flick that should only be viewed by those who must see every killer croc movie out there.