| 23 July 2007 (USA)
Maneater Trailers

When a dismembered body is found in the Appalachian Mountains, a county Sheriff is shocked to discover that the predator is a six-hundred pound Bengal tiger.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
TheLittleSongbird In fact Maneater is one of SyFy's most tolerable movies to me. I usually cannot stand their resume, but keep watching anyway as there is something so compulsively watchable about their awfulness. It does have its problems, the dialogue is clunky, the rather clichéd subplot with the kid takes too much time in the film and still feels underdeveloped after, some of the action once the tiger takes on a more ninja sort of role doesn't feel very focused and comes as confused instead and some members of the supporting cast are bland. I also felt the ending was on the rushed side, but didn't consider that as big a problem as the above. On the other hand, Maneater for SyFy actually looks decent. The scenery is both lovely and atmospheric and this is a rare SyFy movie that doesn't rely on too many CGI effects to create suspense or tension. The tiger is not that scary but actually looks convincing still. The editing is more focused than the slip-shod quality I was expecting. The music is not as generic or as sluggish as I anticipated, it does have its haunting parts and maintains interest. The story is never dull and while not much new not overly-predictable. The killings are bloody, but also surprisingly tense and suspenseful. The characters are reasonably engaging, clichéd of course but the amount of annoying things SyFy characters tend to do is not as prominent here. The lead acting is fine, Gary Busey is his usual charismatic self despite an appearance that makes you wonder whether he had just gotten out of bed. Ty Wood is appealing, but stealing the show was Ian D. Clark, who is wonderfully creepy. All in all, tolerable if flawed movie, not bad at all at the end of the day. 6/10 Bethany Cox
atinder This is one the descent Sci Fi original i have see.The plot: The hunter becomes the hunted when the forested shadows of the Appalachian Trail are stalked by a wild animal out of its element, hungry and born to ravage. After Sheriff Grady finds a dismembered body in the area, he quickly discovers a print near the scene that identifies the predator as a Bengal tiger. Six hundred pounds, twelve feet from nose to tail, it's one of the most powerful cats on Earth. Now it's loose -- and there's no man on the Appalachian Trail with the skill, or the courage, to take it down.As i am huge fan of Killer Animals movies, There is no surprise that i liked this movie. What i liked about this movies was fact that it had boy who had Connection with Killer Tiger , Was such Great Idea and other Great idea was the boy Also had a religious nut of a mother keeps him out of school and has him memorize Bible chapters all day in their trailer while she's at work. When he tells her about the tiger, she dismisses it as an imaginative lie. Believing that the only useful information is that found in the Good Book, she avoids television and is thus completely unaware of the local attacks. Roy is also unaware, and when he discovers that the police are hunting it, he believes it is his responsibility to save the tiger and protect it from harm.They use an actual real tiger so there were no CGI in this movie at all.There are some good death scene in here more Bloody then Gory.The Biggest problem i had with this movie was the ending, i hated as the ending felt to rushed, it kinda of ruined the whole movie for me.If you liked the movie Prey (2007) should give this a watch. i rate this movie a 5/10
Michael_Elliott Maneater (2007) ** (out of 4) Sci-Fi Channel movie is yet another Jaws rip, although this one has a few things going for it. A giant tiger is eating people in an Appalachian Mountains town so the sheriff (Gary Busey) and a bounty hunter (Ian D. Clark) try to track it down and kill it. Both of these characters are directly out of the Jaws handbook but thankfully both actors give very good performances so this weakness is the script can be overlooked. The story itself is another story as it's very weak and doesn't really offer anything new that we haven't seen countless times before. The one added storyline is a young boy who seems to have a connection with this tiger but this here comes off very forced and silly. The tiger used was real except for a few scenes where a CGI one was used.
rkowalski1 .....that was written by the humble hunter of man eating tigers named Jim Corbett from a book called "the man eaters of Kumaon" or "maneaters" from the early 1900's. Except that the Champawatt man eating tiger had killed between 300-400 Indians in Northern India. Corbett also hunted a tiger called the Thak man eater that had so terrified a section of India that one village was almost abandoned.These man eating tigers were also was able to kill and take away one person for food within 10 feet of another person without them realizing it. I found it fantastic that the writers picked an English man named Jim who was born in India as the hunter (like Jim Corbett). Corbett loved nature and spent most of his free time in the jungles and forests of India He was a true hero in the grandest sense of the word. A very realistic film story line that shows what a man eating tiger is capable of.