Dead Tone
Dead Tone
| 24 August 2007 (USA)
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As another semester draws to a close at the University of Dreyskill, a simple game dreamt to help students avoid studying becomes a bloody battle for survival.

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Mrssmiff As a fan of horror films, I seek out anything in the genre from big budget horrors to low budget indie ones... I have a particular liking for teen slashers though (and no, I'm not particularly young or male!)which this film falls into the category of. I found this film to be quite entertaining for what it was, decent acting, good camera work etc. Nothing new or innovative in the way the killer dispatches his victims, but the identity of the killer, for me anyway, was not immediately obvious. One complaint I did have is that in places, everything was so dark I couldn't see what was going on. I also feel that Rutger Hauer's character was wasted but that's probably because I am a fan of his and would have liked to have seen him on screen longer. Otherwise a decent effort.
grizz3344 This is one of the best horror and slasher flicks I've ever seen! I watched it with my friends, and i couldn't get enough. I never saw anything coming and it totally kept me sucked in every single time. I've watched it twice, and i plan to watch it a 3rd time. I barley ever give movies 10 out of 10, but this was really good. A little gory, so i don't recommend it for little kids. But overall it was a really great movie. If you haven't watched it already, i really recommend you do. There are some great actors, and some sad deaths, but pick a favorite and hope they make it to the end!!! Very good acting, very good actors, very good quality, and a lot of hard work. I would love to see a 2nd one, but it was made like 4 years ago so i doubt there will be another one, but this movie is wonderful guys! Watch it, love it, rate it 10! Thanks for reading my review!
innocuous I've seen a lot worse films than this. The cinematography, FX, and sound are just fine. Very good, even. It's the story that's hackneyed and predictable. As for the actors/actresses, they do an OK job with what they've been handed. This is definitely intended for the slasher crowd at the theater, as it really doesn't come across as well on the small screen.Hauer's role is really no more than an extended cameo. The other actors are interchangeable. After a decent beginning, you'll get a lot of blood, some nudity, and some really anti-social behavior between friends/class-mates.Again, much better than a lot of the independent junk that's out there. It doesn't hurt to watch it.
jcblue-1 I enjoyed this movie as it was every bit as good as any other Horror/Slash movie flick that we have seen. You don't want to have to think and analyze when you are watching, you just want it to flow. I thought the cast did a great job with what they had to work with. The script was poorly written, leaving plots hanging for us to try to figure out. They gave us a lot of blood and gore which makes this kind of movie met its audience's demands. I personally enjoyed the ending, but wished that they hadn't killed off Katrina, as they could of done a sequel. I guess they could say she was stabbed, but didn't die. I liked her, the killer and of course Ratguer Hauer, the detective the best.
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