Hard Luck
Hard Luck
| 17 October 2006 (USA)
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Three converging story lines involving bootleggers, a serial killer and drug dealers are followed. A former drug dealer tries to go straight, but comes across a stash of stolen drugs. Meanwhile, a middle-aged suburban housewife hides a sadistic and vicious streak.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
TheGDfather I'm giving this a 6.5 and I'm pretty loyal to movies with wesley snipes. This movie just lacked a great plot. Everything you learn about writing a story it seems to be forgotten in this movie. From the begging, to the plot, to the suspense, and even the ending was terrible. I expect better from mario van pebbles. Welsey still can act, and the girl wasn't a bad actor either. As a matter of fact all the actors were pretty good or at least decent. In a lot of low budget films you get some terrible actors. I can't recall any. Even the sick twisted couple all played their parts to the T.But beyond that Its petty lame. I mean judging this based on passenger 57, demolition man, white man can't jump and all the blades. And to be honest I should have gave it a 5. But like I said the other actors and actresses were great. The movie was lacking action. Yeah there were bits a pieces of action. But it wasn't put together well. And the police weren't tough enough. The movie was about a drug sting gone wrong along with some crooked cops. Thats should be an easy plot with the cast they had. But they needed more action. You can't just show scene after seen and then not explain some of these characters. I guess with the low budget they weren't able to get into detail of each character. But thats what makes you have a feeling of that character. If you keep throwing characters in with out giving the viewers a personality to attach it to then you are mudding the waters.They did a good job with the serial killers. And to be honest they did the best job with them. Sick as it was it left you in wanting to know whats going to happen. I surely didn't want to know or care what happened to lucky and his stripper girlfriend. Even the part where he catches her calling the guy who got killed in the shootout (who was dead at the time) was really set up wrong. You have to spend some time on that, do it right. And the end of the day, great characters, great acting, bad bad plot witch was all over the place. I would have excepted this in the late 80's early 90's with the one liners and the sex that took place. But not in 2006. I don't think they have the range to make a low budget movie a hit cause everybody is worried about a paycheck. Next go in detail a little more, make up a new concept. Might not be new to society but new to views. Like in drop zone. How many people could tell you about skydiving? But it seems like you watched the movie and you learned something new. If you are going to make a low budget film make it to where they viewers is like "ah, I am learning something new thats cool, is that really how that works". You have to question it cause you don't know. And it may be fake but it got you interested. Its called creativity and this movie get 3 in creativity. Once again shouldn't be hard to do with this cast.
Leofwine_draca Well, I've finally tracked down Wesley Snipes's worst film and it turns out to be this Mario Van Peebles-directed stinker that attempts to mix the small-time gangster genre with a serial killer flick. HARD LUCK is an appallingly shot, badly written B-movie that's so inept that you wonder whether Peebles went out of his way to make the worst film he could as part of a bet.The film stars Snipes and the often-naked Jackie Quinones as an ex-con and a stripper who go on the run from the Mob with a suitcase full of cash. All very ordinary you might think, but then the plot takes a turn for the bizarre with the introduction of a serial killing couple played by Cybill Shepherd and James Liao. Yes, that really is Cybill Shepherd in this movie, although what she's doing here I can only guess.HARD LUCK is shoddily made and particularly badly shot; all of the dialogue scenes and moments of exposition are acceptable, but the handling of the action is horrendous (a surprise considering Peebles's experience in the genre). The ineptness has to be seen to be believed: there's genuinely nothing good here, aside from a typically reliable Snipes, so how this got made or even released I have no idea.
Frank Markland Wesley Snipes stars as a con-man gone legit (You know the type) who is involved in one more deal, done as a favor to a friend, however that deal goes awry and Snipes ends up with the money and then runs into backwoods serial killers led by Cybil Shepherd. I must admit I give Hard Luck points for trying, this movie is so chaotic, haphazard and so over the map that it becomes enjoyable on a surreal level. The fact that I expected a typical ' Former thief ends up with cash finds himself running from the mobsters who set him up' style movie but in the hands of Mario Van Peebles, so much is thrown at the wall and the completely different plot lines are thrown together with so much disregard toward the main plot that Hard Luck become inadvertently entertaining. Also helping factors is that this wasn't made in Romania and Snipes seems more into things. As does Shepherd who delivers a credible performance as the former model turned serial killer. Sure the main story is underwritten and Van Peebles doesn't make a fully coherent story out of the scenarios he intersects, but make of this what you will, Hard Luck is the best film from Wesley Snipes since Blade II.* * out of 4-(Fair)
gradyharp Mario Van Peebles has done some good work in his past but this bizarre, confusing, silly dud is not one of them. The script feels like someone gave a party for wannabe writers, told them each to submit a plot for a far out film, then mixed them all together and came up with a hash that in the end is merely a re-do of the bad guy turned good guy on the run - with diversions.Lucky (Wesley Snipes) is released from prison with the plan of going straight. Of course his buddy covets his reputation and invites him to his birthday party where Lucky lusts after a pole dancer Angela (Jackie Quinones) and manages to become involved in a dirty cop drug deal that sends him on the usual wild car chase with Angela looking for a way to hideout with the corrupt money stashed in metal suitcases (rigged of course). After a shootout in a motel, the couple seeks housing from a gay porno filmmaker Mendez (Luis Guzmán in yet another chameleon role) and his associate Antonio (Gavin J. Behrman) who just happens to be in on the dirty cop aspect of the drug deal.Off Lucky and Angela drive to a wooded area where they hole up next door to a weirdo pair of serial killers - Cass (Cybill Shepherd), who is angry at the world for negative response to her retarded grown son Eugene (Mike Messier), and Chang (James Hiroyuki Liao), Cass's strangely sick lover and wannabe martial arts expert (yeah, that is thrown in, too) - who kidnap victims and torture and kill them in Hollywood-style videotaped sequences. Of course, when Lucky and Angela need telephone help, Lucky goes next door, is immediately strapped into a torture chair, only eventually to be discovered by the bad of bad cops and one decent cop, Captain Davis, played by Mario Van Peebles of course. And things change and intertwine and nobody really cares.Wesley Snipes does have charisma and it is because of him that the film is watchable, but even his role doesn't explain why this mess was made in the first place. It looks and sounds like a very low budget film on which probably millions were spent. Pass on this one unless you're in the mood to laugh AT a movie instead of with one. Grady Harp