The Ice Cream Truck
The Ice Cream Truck
NR | 18 August 2017 (USA)
The Ice Cream Truck Trailers

Mary moves back to her suburban hometown to find that the suburbs are scarier in more ways than she ever remembered.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
jillannellis84 Let me start off by saying this is my very first review on IMDB. But after watching the ice cream truck, I felt compelled to leave my thoughts. The movie has everything right, on a technical aspect. Beautiful cinematography. An amazing 80s synth style score. Characters we get to know and care about. Set in a small town suburbia, which gives it that classic Halloween 1978 feel. It has great kills, but this movie isn't about the gore. It relies on tension and dread and our main character. Before I get into spoilers, I just wanted to say that I highly recommend this movie. I think most of the negative reviews you'll see on here, are simply because the viewer did not grasp the writing, or what the director was trying to portray. This movie digs deeper into the psyche, while still remaining a very fun and entertaining watch. See it!! Own it! *SPOILERS* AHEAD.... The whole point was that Mary made up the ice cream Truck Killer to facilitate her fantasies of reliving her youth and living on the edge, making it seem somewhat innocent cause its all in her head. Only for it to be revealed there was a REAL threat all along. There are several scenes where creepy things happen to Mary. Someone being in the house, someone knocking on the door, screaming somewhere in the distance. These things were not linked to the ice cream truck killings and the end reveal shows that those things really did happen and it was actually the moving truck guy. She completely missed that threat because she was so absorbed in her fantasy. The whole point of the ice cream man kills not being very realistic as to drive home that he wasn't actually real. He was a figment of Mary's imagination. He would "kill off" characters around max that served no purpose in her fantasy of reliving her youth. The ice cream truck is a metaphor for Mary's overactive imagination which ultimately led her to oversee the real threat. Which was the moving truck guy. He was ACTUALLY stalking her while she was busy fantasizing about reliving her youth, after becoming a mother at a young age.
zhtnpgip A nice little old fashioned horror slash thriller movie. It reminded me of the scary movies I grew up with. Unlike the new age of slash and gore horror movies, and happy for that. I watched it after someone posted a mixed review, went in with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised with the whole thing from the acting to the story, Full of suspense.
shawnblackman A woman has to wait a few days at the new house for the rest of her family to arrive as they finish up school. To keep herself occupied she starts smoking pot, has an affair and then kills somebody. She may have been better off watching films on her laptop.This a weird film for sure. It doesn't follow any slasher format that I know of. In fact the film is more about boredom and having a midlife crisis than it is about a psychotic ice cream guy. It almost felt like a way watered down American Beauty meets Ice Cream Man (1995). Horror fans should avoid this one. The ending will annoy you as well.4 holes drilled in the head from a milkshake machine out of 10.
efmo The entire plot doesn't really make sense, there are many plot holes, but with the way the film ends, it does sort of answer as to why everyone in this neighborhood is just so strange! Its absurd and weird, but the awkwardness manages to keep me interested. It's not a perfect movie, but it definitely can find its audience if you're open minded. It's very different from what you are used to as a slasher film, and that could be another reason as to why it isn't well received, but in the end I can't say that I was not interested. This movie won't make you run away from the ice cream truck, but actually make you want some!
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