Doll Graveyard
Doll Graveyard
| 11 October 2005 (USA)
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It's 1905 when 12 year old Sophia plays all by herself in her big, creepy house with only four handmade dolls as friends. When her abusive father has finally had enough, he forces her to bury them in the backyard. But, after she "slips" and breaks her neck, dad buries her right along with the dolls. 100 years later, the Fillbrook family moves into the very same house.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
joemamaohio Clocking in at approximately 1 hr and 11 minutes, "Doll Graveyard" is nothing more than an hour and a half television special minus the commercials.In Los Angeles in 1911, a young girl and her incredibly eerie and ugly dolls fall victim to her over-zealous father who for some reason doesn't want her playing in the hallway.Fast forward to Los Angeles in 2005, and a new family has moved into the property. A single father, his incredibly nerdish son and bratty daughter. The father goes out on a date, the daughter invites friends, the son finds one of the dolls in the backyard. They come to life and protect the kid, as the spirit of the girl tries to inhabit him, as the dolls go on a murderous rampage against the daughter and her friends.Full Moon Entertainment is probably best known for their highly successful "Puppet Master" movies, and "Doll Graveyard" is like "Puppet Master"-light. It's missing the story, the character development and it's way too short to make you care about anyone. Not to mention the fact that they discover the first body almost immediately, yet no one runs out of the house.If you got a little time to kill, pop in this film. It's nothing great by any means of the imagination, but it's a good way to mindlessly kill a little bit of time.
fulcigore Through out the early 90's, Charles Band's Full Moon Pictures churned out many classics like "Puppet Master", "Trancers", "Doctor Mordrid", "Subspecies", etc. The company has changed names and faces a few times over the last decade or two, but usually put a mentionable quantity of decent films. But I have to say, with DOLL GRAVEYARD and many other recent short bores, Full Moon has fallen dead.Charles Band recycles his killer doll formula with this and a few other recent crapfests, making 70 min features with characters made to be easily manufactured as toys. The story bores on through horrible acting and even worse story, with less doll carnage than promised. One of the few redeeming qualities of this film is the design of the dolls themselves. The Samurai and stoned looking tribesman were cool characters.Overall, I caution Full Moon fans to turn away from Charles bands newest abominations, and save themselves.
TotalRockerChick Oh my god... From the moment this "movie" started I knew it was going to be bad. First of all the acting was just HORRIBLE! I mean come on "No daddy, I didn't mean to daddy!". If you think about the time period back then there would be many, many women figures around to take care of the girl. A nanny, or a step-mother, an aunt, or even her real mother would have been there to get her into shape. Then for the father to make the girl dig?! What was that?! And I mean when she fell she fell like what? A foot? That wouldn't kill anyone! And then for the father not to check to even see if she was alive?! Okay, now for the other lovely actors. ALL of the teenagers should have died! They deserved to. "AHHH What are we going to do?" I can tell you what to do... GET OUT OF THE HOUSE AND RUN FOR IT!!! GOD!!! HOW STUPID COULD YOU BE?! YOU JUST SAW YOUR BOYFRIEND GET KILLED (by being attacked in the crotch) AND YOUR JUST GONNA STAND THERE?! COME ON!!! And the blonde! Can you say stupid blonde?! "Where is my phone? I can't find it!" When she finally finds the dang thing she moved so slowly... YOUR SUPPOSE TO GRAB IT REALLY FAST! And you think she would learn! She did that the first time and then she got bit... You think she would say hey let me get it really fast and maybe I won't get bit again. OH! And did anyone notice that before she was bit there was blood already on her face? HOW DO YOU MAKE A MOVIE AND NOT NOTICE THAT? That and the bottle of alcohol that magically refilled itself over and over again. This was seriously bad excuse for a movie. I could go on and on about the sister, the friend who was hitting on the younger brother and don't even get me started on the doll loving boy... "I got the new Hydroman action figure" "Oh isn't that the one that turns into water?" "You know who Hydroman is too" *cough* Hydro means water honey... Anyone 9 and up knows that... GET A LIFE! And the ending?! There are three people dead in the house, the people who were just attacked by the dolls are standing over them lovingly and the doll lover turns into a dead rotting chick?! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT RENT THIS "MOVIE" IF YOU DO... I CAN'T HELP YOU ANYMORE... ITS TRULY A WASTE OF YOUR LIFE THAT YOU CAN NEVER GET BACK!
ghoulieguru Charles Band invites you into his Dull Graveyard...This movie starts with a little girl playing with a bunch of dolls. She mistakenly bumps into a table and breaks a vase. Her father comes downstairs and decides to punish her by forcing her to bury her little buddies in a grave outside. She somehow trips and falls into the grave, killing herself. Dad buries the daughter with her beloved toys. Flash forward to thirty years later, a new family has moved into the house. The youngest son is a nerdy geek who likes to collect action figures. Imagine his joy at discovering a whole gaggle of antique dolls buried in his back yard! These dolls come to life and start protecting their new owner by killing everyone that ever picked on him. There are no spoilers here, I'm not giving away anything that isn't on the back of the DVD case.Charles Band returns to what he knows best, making evil puppet horror movies. But just because this is what he knows best, doesn't mean he's any good at it. This is really just a reboot of Puppet Master and Demonic Toys with a new set of evil dolls. The production is shoddy, shot on a cheap DV camera with horrible lighting and a soundtrack that someone did on a Casio keyboard from 1982. Not to mention the fact that the puppets are the best actors in the movie.Ever since Charles Band came out of retirement or hiding, the Blockbuster shelves have been graced with horrible Full Moon movies that are a few pegs below what they used to be. Even in his prime, Charles Band was nobody's genius, but time has definitely taken its toll. Titles like DECADENT EVIL, DOLL GRAVEYARD and THE GINGERDEAD MAN prove that you can't keep a hack director down. Band is back, folks.