R | 04 March 2008 (USA)
Carver Trailers

Based on a true story, Carver depicts the real life events of five 20-something's that went camping in the mountain town of Halcyon Ridge and never returned.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Pluskylang Great Film overall
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Fella_shibby I saw this on a rented DVD in 2008. I picked up the DVD without watchin the trailer or reading much bah it. The film was extremely gruesome. The violence was realistic and graphic. Considering the budget, it is one of the best "special effects" I have ever seen, when it comes to violence. Nice work done by Franklin Guerrero Jr considering this is his 2nd film. Yet to see his debut film 8th plague. Definitely hyped to see his future work. Its a low-budget, independent effort and it looks incredible. The death scenes were very creative and has buckets of gore that keeps flowing. This independent horror flick is surprisingly well-made and acted. The story itself is not original but awesome effort. The movie also has a fantastic soundtrack, decent acting n cinematography, nice direction n shoddy camera work n editing. The villain is scary, but only when wearing his goggles. The kills that are shown in this movie are different than a lot of other films. As someone rightly said, "This movie is beautifully sick". Watch out for the outhouse scene man. The teeth breaking scene from American history X n the outhouse scene in this movie r the only scenes which made me feel discomfort. I try to avoid movies which potray harm towards kids. Don't worry, this flick doesn't hav one.
samkerg I have seen this movie recently.Its an okay movie. Director made an attempt to make a movie like Hostel, but it is not perfect.Lets think in real. Can't these guys in the movie defend themselves from that fat guy. The killer is like a python and is very slow moving. There are no other persons who can support the killer.Usually once they know something is going wrong, anybody will get alert and they find the ways to get rid of problem. Here, they never tried to escape from the slot.Movies like 'Last house on the left' has a perfect and tight story line which are very realistic.The last scene is like a joke. However, it has somewhat tense in the middle. People can enjoy who are new to gore movies.I give 5 out of 10.
slayrrr666 "Carver" is an above-average, if slightly flawed, slasher that could've been much better.**SPOILERS**Traveling out to the woods, Pete, (Matt Carmody) and Brian, (Neil Kubath) meet up with other friends Zack, (Jonathan Rockett) and Rachel, (Kristyn Green) to go on a camping trip together, eventually finding a spot in a secluded area. When they run into Kate, (Ursula Taherian) also out camping, they decide to hook up as she seems concerned for her missing friend, and they decide to go exploring together. Stumbling upon a strange house, they find it filled with strange video tapes depicting people being killed in the woods nearby, and the situation turns worse when the owners find them and chase after them, pitting them against a deranged lunatic who is bent on making sure they don't get away from them.The Good News: When this one was on, it had some brilliant stuff to it. The main thing is the high-energy stalking scenes on display, which are quite fun and enjoyable. The first one, where they stumble upon the killer in the bathroom during a kill is quite fun and gets some good points going. Later ones are better, especially the barn stalking. The chase there through the woods is brief but fun, and the different elements that come into play once inside is really good. From the surroundings being used as obstacles to overcome, to the tactics of escape and capture, there's just a whole lot of rather fun and incredibly fun scenes to come from it. The setting is awesome, the action is top-notch and the death is just unbelievably brutal and graphic, which makes for a great time. The finale also manages to work well with several really big pluses going for it. From the chase through the underground tunnel to the confrontations within the different areas of the house and then the battle with the killer strung in there as well makes for some really great outstanding scenes. There's also the rather cool way that the film presents the tactic of having the really disturbing idea of the video-taped kills coming into play here with some rather fun ways to bring it into the film. The opening of them wandering upon the house to find the tapes is really good, as their gradual realization at the realisticness of the films is perfectly handled and makes for an eerie scene in the film, which is full of them on it's own. The settings for each of the main action scenes is creepy, and the scenes in the forest when they're waiting for the others to get back are also quite creepy. The last good plus in this one is the incredibly brutal and graphic blood and gore, which is really messy and gory. This one has no shortage of kills, ranging from giant hacksaws being rammed through the neck or into the face, nails hammered into the legs and forearms, knives and similar objects stabbed anywhere there's a visible body part, a slit throat, body parts hammered at with a sledgehammer and much more, leaving this one brutal and bloody. These here are the film's good points.The Bad News: There was a few problems with this one. One of the main points is that there's just absolute utter dullness for nearly an hour of the film. The first hour hardly has anybody killed or even come into contact with the killer, as the only time actually shown consists of the tapes, which is hardly something that can be considered good due to the utterly terrible production job that renders everything effectively distorted, but beyond that, it's anybody's guess as to what the film actually is. It consists of them out wandering around in the forest or interacting with the locals at the bar, and the first attack comes at just about the fifty minute mark. It's a fine sign most don't notice that, but it still remains that this one just takes an eternity to get moving and get to it's absolutely brilliant stuff. Another flaw is the lame joke of a killer, a fat redneck who dons aviator gear to hide his identity but that just inspires laughter more than anything else that this is the best they could come up with. The last flaw here is the utterly confusing finale, which has a whole series of events pass by without ever offering anything as to why that happened. Practically anything in the last twenty minutes makes no sense and this doesn't have anything to clarify them. These here are what's wrong with the film.The Final Verdict: While this can be quite fun at times, there's just some flaws to it that are quite hard to get over in giving this one more than it already has. Worthwhile enough for slasher fans or those who are interested, while a lot of the flaws might not mean enough for most to really look down on this one.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity
mukesh-smartshot I cannot believe the plot of this movie, simply because there is no plot. The movie simply counts on gore, gore and more gore.And to add to the miseries, the murders just are disgusting rather than horrifying.The music though was very good, which has kept the movie alive. Very poor characters, no chemistry between them whatsoever. And why isn't there any reason for the murders?? Its just another plot hole. And what to say about the climax, it is just another mess. And the villain doesn't even come close to leather face who was much more scary. And please don't compare this with hostel or saw.If you love gore and don't care about the reasons, even the most basic reasons, then watch it