Slumber Party Massacre II
Slumber Party Massacre II
R | 16 October 1987 (USA)
Slumber Party Massacre II Trailers

Courtney is tormented by dreams of the infamous Driller Killer returning to wreak havoc... only to find that the murderous monster is reincarnated as an evil rocker.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Wordiezett So much average
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
MisterWhiplash Slumber Party Massacre II is not the first Slumber Party Massacre - what on God's green Earth could be? - but it cuts its own distinctive style by being so adorably terrible that one can't help but admire it somehow. It has padding in its 75 minute run-time, and can do that since the girl friends around the main character have a band (the sister from the previous film, Courtney, of the main girl from the last movie, though damn if I could remember that even having just seen the first one two weeks ago, different actress by the way of course). It's also a movie where if there even *is* a serial killer is in question since it could all be in the majorly PTSD'd, nightmare-riddled Courtney's mind. If the first movie was liberally borrowing (one might say ripping off but no, heavens no, that's not the Corman way is it?) from Halloween, then this is liberally borrowing from the Nightmare on Elm Street films (a scene of Courtney in a bath-tub seems like it was lifted so hard from the first one its ridiculous, and I almost thought it would oddly enough take from the third one, which came out the same year, but not quite the case), and at the heart of it is the most awesomely silly killer I've ever seen in a slasher. Who is this killer? Try to imagine Quentin Tarantino hit his head on a sink and after he came to was tasked to write an 80's slasher movie - this is what he might come up with: Atanas Ilitch is having the time of his life playing this "Driller Killer", who would appear to be a psychological terror of Courtney's years after the first massacre happened, but is um... actually there? Is that a spoiler? The reasoning for why he finally leaps forward may actually make some sense is going by the usual (strict?) code of conduct for these kinds of movies - if you're a virgin, the moment you have sex is when you get it right through the vitals - and but in the moment it seems like it has only the slimmest rationale, and it fully becomes a "slasher", as in Ilitch's killer going after these innocent/obnoxious teens (some more than others), in the last act. Before this is a lot of gloriously dumb scenes; at one point, the girls have an actual pillow fight and some/most of them take off their clothes to do so, and on that immediate beat two of the guys in the movie look on through a window and say, "they actually DO do this!" Again, the songs take up a good number of minutes (without them this might barely make a feature-length run-time), but they're not the worst ever, just that kind of mediocre 80's rock-pop that Corman was able to buy for 10 cents. The performances are also what you expect, but what makes the movie stand out a bit is that the filmmaker - once again a woman, and Corman was good about hiring women to make his movies, regardless of artistry, Deborah Brock in this case - tries to ape at times another Corman alumni, Jonathan Demme; there are multiple scenes where characters look directly at the camera as if to us and speak (for example when one of the teens finally calls the cops, prematurely really, when Courtney is having one of her hallucination/nightmare freak-outs). What is this supposed to do? I am sure I still don't know.A lot of this is not good, and actually it's pretty terrible. What gives it the rating it gets is that it's a massively entertaining bad movie, one of those that sticks out among the multitudes of 80's slashers (and back then you could randomly throw a rock and hit a piece of s*** slasher movie); what is significant here is that the pace never slackens too much, the actors are mostly likable, the tone is appropriately silly (but not in a way where they're too knowing of it), and the climax is completely bananas as characters run through an unfinished building as the slasher/singer does his Rockabilly thing with his drill. It'd also be a total blast for a party movie night.
idiotboy So the original movie had a killer who escaped from a mental hospital and teleported into a phone-repair-woman's van, then preceded to kill -everyone- he saw. He wasn't completely insane, as he went to great lengths to hide every one of his victims, but there was so little apparent reason behind his motives that I actually wanted to watch to the end to find out the answer to my "wtf?" But this... this 'sequel'.. 5 years later and following the youngest of the original movie's survivors. She has her nightmares still about it, but the original killer is inexplicably replaced with the rock&roll cowboy with a totally insane enormous guitar drill. I can only assume it's a crossover of her own guitar-playing drill-massacre hallucinatory state of mind that explains this. But whatever.. That doesn't let them off the singing psycho.It all started reasonably enough. Flashbacks to the first movie to explain her state of mind, an extended introduction to all the lame characters and their setting. The oh so unexpected "Crying Wolf" to the police, etc.. And after not getting very far up the hill in the first place, it quite successfully turned right around and rolled straight back down again.OK yes, and the chase scene at the end.. The incongruity of him appearing in front of them at every point up until then mixing with his needing their blood-trail to find them was slightly odd... That was perhaps an irrelevant issue to raise when it came to the very end however... It seemed to try to make a little sense of the events, then pull that apart until it stops explaining a damned thing.I like a good, weird film. I really do! This was just wrong, though. It's a shame.. I nearly thought this was going to be fun. Bleh
andell The Slumber Party Massacre franchise has the rather unique standing of being one of the few T&A slasher films of the 80's that was often written and directed by women. When the original film hit in 1982, the phallic importance of the drill, and the lines the killer used, carried a rather cynical feminist undertone. So how could a movie that saw its killer dispatched in convincing fashion in the first film come back in a unique way? Its done very well with "Slumber Party Massacre II."First of all, let me say this: the trailer is the worst I've ever seen. If you have a chance to watch the DVD release, it includes the trailer...but to give you a run down of a couple of the lines: "When Courtney Bates and her friends get together, its more than a good time...its Slumber Party Massacre 2." Its even said in a light hearted way that made me cringe even more because I think in many ways, they meant this trailer to really sell the film.Okay, to the movie. The sister of the heroine in the first film, Courtney, finds herself plagued by dreams that, contrary to what she says, has nothing to do with her original ordeal. In the original, she saw a mass murderer with a independently powered drill kill the girls next door; in this one, its a Fonzi rip off, complete with the leather jacket, slicked back hair, and guitar- the only difference is that at the end of his guitar he has a drill.For pure horror fans, there is very little here- this film is tongue in cheek scary, and really scores more of a gore factor than a scare factor. The acting is for the most part sub par, the script is weak, and there are moments in the film which will make you cringe at how cheesy they are.When Courtney and her band go up to the lead singer's parents condo for the weekend, this driller killer leaps out of Courtney's dreams and into reality, dispatching each of the band members and their boyfriends until only Courtney is left.I'd hate to ruin the surprise, but the ending is so obviously a doll house being penetrated by a drill that all you can do is chuckle.Now this would lead most to believe that I hate this film, but actually I don't. This is renaissance 80's cheesy horror, plain and simple. Not anywhere near as scary as the first, but original for what it is, and unpretentious in its cheese.In short, if you're someone who can appreciate the cheese of some of the slasher genre of the 80's, you'll enjoy this. And watch the trailer, if you'd like to have a real chuckle- its awful! If you take 80's slasher horror too seriously, or expect you'll see something as original as "Halloween" or "A Nightmare on Elm Street," this one is not for you.
babygirl21740 This is one of my favorite horror movies of all times.I love a good 80's cheesy horror flick. I like the other slumber party massacre one's too but this one seem to be more interesting and really get you into the movie. i own all of them but this one was the best. it had some funny twisted scene's in it, but with some gore. it had a very interesting ending to it that made you wonder if it was a dream or not. I like the song's that they played in the movie, like the convertible song. i like when the two girls in the car sing it together. i wish there was a soundtrack to the movie with the song's in it, it would be cool to have.