| 01 January 2009 (USA)
Necrosis Trailers

In 2009, six friends arrive at an isolated cabin to enjoy a long weekend in the snow. An epic snowstorm interrupts their vacation, trapping them on the mountain and resurrecting the haunting ghosts of the Donner Party. But, are they true 'entities' or is it simply 'cabin fever' that brings out their fears and darkness, causing friends to turn against each other as reality deteriorates around them.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
HeadlinesExotic Boring
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
toddg-473-289818 A group of 3 men and 3 women head off to a remote cabin in the woods, with both them and the audience getting flashbacks of what the Donner party did in the mountains near Lake Tahoe back in the 1800s. What I did like is that they didn't stereotype the Asian guy, as his character slowly gets scarier throughout the movie. What I didn't like is that all three female characters really got on my nerves, like why their men would bother saving them from something dangerous with all of their nagging. Furthermore, the acting is low energy from everyone. The one highlight was that they dug up Michael Berryman of The Hills Have Eyes fame, and he can always be relied on to play some weirdo well.
Michael O'Keefe The writers Jason Robert Stephens and Robert Michael Ryan may have had a good idea; director Stephens may have tried hard...but this project barely breathes life. Nice scenery of Big Bear and Lake Tahoe, California and a bit of eye candy in the cast; but the acting does nothing to save the movie either. Six friends plan on a romantic weekend trip to a nice mountain cabin; but no sooner than they settle in, a monstrous snowstorm traps them. Its not cabin fever they need to fear; it is the visions of frontier settlers of the storied Donner Party that will test their nerves and wits. Soon the friends start turning on each other. Are the ghosts to be blamed for the miserable weekend of bloodshed? The cast features: James Kyson, George Stults, Danielle De Luca, as well as horror veterans Mickey Jones and Michael writer Ryan and former teen songstress Tiffany. Oh, well. There is some brief nudity and a great snowstorm to enjoy.
insane_tiger Psychological/suspenseful movie despite its shortcomings, namely dialogue. There were a couple scenes when I wondered how the actors delivered their lines with a straight face. My favourite line went something like, "Bears hibernate for the winter. The only animal you have to worry about this weekend is me." The music could be hit or miss but I felt it added to the creepy atmosphere. Unfortunately the movie finishes right after the climax and is very open ended. I would have liked a little more resolution because I enjoyed the characters. If you enjoyed this movie but wanted to see more blood and gore I would recommend "Dead Snow".
Paul Andrews Necrosis starts as six friends make their way up to an isolated log cabin on a mountain, the locals warn of evil but the friends don't listen & carry on. Rented by Mike (Robert Micheal Ryan) he talks of spooky legends that surround the mountain & that bad things happen there like sporadic outburst's of cannibalism & killing sprees. As a fierce snowstorm hits the mountain the six friends are trapped & the generator goes down, while trying to fix it a dead body is noticed laying in the snow which mysterious disappears a short time later. Worried the friends don't know what to do & are unsure of whats going on, could history be repeating itself as the ghosts of the murdered return for revenge or is it their over active imagination?Apparently had the working title Dead of Winter & called Ice of the Dead in Japan I think Necrosis is more commonly known under the title Blood Snow, co-written & directed by Jason Robert Stephens I get the impression that Necrosis was meant to be a psychological horror thriller in the vein of The Shining (1980) as some slowly goes insane though sheer isolation & the appearance of various ghosts which may or may not be in his imagination. Unfortunately Necrosis is far too slow, virtually nothing happens & the character's are just not fleshed out well enough. Sure the schizophrenic guy Jerry is given some background as he's the one who goes mad but the rest of the cast are cardboard cutout teens with zero personality. The script also has problems with huge gaping questions left unanswered, OK while I get the idea of leaving the whole supernatural element ambiguous as to whether it was ghosts or just Jerry going mad but what about Mike & Karen on the snowmobile? What happened to them? The mystery surrounding the dead body is never elaborated on & in fact once it disappears it's never even so much as mentioned again. Some scenes may or may not be a dream & the film doesn't make it clear enough either way. What was Seymour doing trying to deliver supplies in the middle of the night? How did he get there if the roads were blocked? He walked? Yeah right, also why didn't that guy pick up the supplies at least? The whole back story about the Donner party is underused & Necrosis felt like it didn't really know what it wanted to be, a straight ghost story or a psychological thriller & ends up being neither really. At about 90 odd minutes long Necrosis is slow with few character's, few incidents & little story.The film looks alright, there are few scenes with ghosts but little to no gore, there's a couple of brief moments of cannibalism & a couple of people get shot but nothing else. The setting is quite nice although the log cabin in a wood is a staple of the horror genre, the CGI snow fall is rather poor & there's never enough snow around to truly convince me that the friends were totally stranded. An appearance by 80's pop singer Tiffany is the only real thing of note about the entire film really, I can't say I recognised her but then I only ever saw her in that I Think We're Alone pop video from 1989.Filmed in the San Bernardino National Forest in California the production values are alright but nothing amazing, a large portion of the film seemed dubbed to me which is a bit distracting at times. The acting is OK, Tiffany is alright from what I remember while genre regular Michael Berryman has a small role.Necrosis is a pretty poor low budget psychological horror thriller that has various plot holes & a sense that more could have been done with the premise, watch The Shining again instead as it's loads better.