I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang
NR | 09 November 1932 (USA)
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang Trailers

A World War I veteran’s dreams of becoming a master architect evaporate in the cold light of economic realities. Things get even worse when he’s falsely convicted of a crime and sent to work on a chain gang.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
CriticalViewing The use of sound is greatly used in this film, off-screen sound is impactful, and all notable sound in this film is symbolic or significant, for either audience feeling or for meaning. These sounds include bells, sounds of metal clanking, belts, etc. And the use of close-ups are also masterfully used. These close-ups are indicative of character feeling at crucial moments, keeping the viewer emotionally connected. And the use of music, adding to the overall feeling of each frame. This film was powerful enough to prompt mass social outrage, from feelings of sadness, disgust, and true anger...the emotive impact on social views and action in 1932 was enough to push legislation, and it isn't hard to see why. LeRoy couldn't have done better in the direction of this film, nor could Paul Muni have done a better job of acting in it.
tophkissane Paul Muni's performance in this is incredible. He carries himself with such pride and grace and keeps it together through everything he goes through in this movie, but still conveys that tortured under layer. I think its great when a movie can take a political stance and have a role in the changing of politics. Paul Muni's tortured performance is what really makes an audience feel for this character that was innocent and forced to make deals to try to get out from under the justice system. I also loved the story and development, the rise and fall of Paul Muni's character and the range of experiences he has creates an interesting movie that is able to captivate and keep you entertained and invested throughout the entire film. I fully enjoyed this movie and would definitely recommend.
BrandyDeragon I really enjoyed this film. It was incredibly entertaining, and delivered an amazing message to its audience. Throughout the film you see a man's struggle to be free, you see him wrongfully thrown in jail, then he escapes, and once he tries to cooperate with the authorities, after living in freedom for many years, the justice system tricks him and he's locked up for the rest of his life. This was just a really sad but entertaining movie, the acting was incredible and very believable (at least for that time period) and the message Be careful who you trust was very clear. Because of the lack of technology making this film, the actors have static high pitched voices, but it helps with the entertainment value of the movie.
mikeneet Coming from WW1 and needing to become something. Paul did not want to do the normal factory job. So going out and becoming something had to have been a relief for viewers in the early 30. Knowing the risks and troubles that can come with doing something out of your normalcy yet still doing it no matter the cost can be a great underlining storyline. As the actual filming and acting go. For the most part, very solid. I believe that Paul Muni played by James Allen was a fabulous lead acting role. Real emotion and passion stuck out. As well as Marie Woods as Glenda Farrell. Really having almost solid technical ability when acting is not celebrated enough. Also very abstract camera work for the time of the filming. All in all a very solid project with little to complain about. And for a 21st-century child to enjoy it, that speaks highly of it.
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