The Night Before
The Night Before
PG-13 | 15 April 1988 (USA)
The Night Before Trailers

A popular beauty surprisingly asks a nerd to take her to the prom. He wakes up hours later in a sleazy alley. She's missing but he remembers nothing about it.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Blueghost A fairly good film with no real flaws. The film explores the misadventures of a prom couple winding up on the wrong side of the tracks. Think "Sixteen Candles" meets "After Hours" but sanitized for mainstream viewing. White slavery, drugs, grand theft, assault and armed robbery... it's all here, but presented in a way that keeps the spirit of those topics alive without being vulgar.A good watch, but if you're viewing it expecting explicit scenes and jokes, then you're in for a letdown. A mildly funny film that takes a look at L.A.'s underworld through perspective of a teenage couple.There's nothing deep about this film, but it's likable all the same, as most good hearted comedies are. There're a couple of tangentially suggestive scenes, but nothing that would prove offensive to the mainstream viewer. The comedy is light here and there, and pretty smart; it's not spoon fed to the audience.A definite thumbs up for some light viewing.
LivingDog Avoid this movie like the plague! This stinks so bad it's like the worst thing ever put on film. It ranks "up" there with an Ed Wood flick.However there is something that may make you watch it - it "stars" Keanu Reeves! Holy maceral! I wondered if there was another actor similar to Jack Nicholson who was completely untalented at the start of their career and later developed into a star... it's Keanu Reeves. (But his performance in "Bill and Ted's Adventures" was cool.)Burn the master... they don't allow negative scores on 1/10-ZafoidPS: Some real good music.-Z
Renie I can't possibly imagine someone thinking of Keanu Reeves as a nerd, but that's what he is in "The Night Before." The school queen, Lori Loughlin, has to go to the prom with Keanu's Winston because she made a bet with friends and lost. The chain of events that happens is wacky and hilarious, and it shows Keanu at his sweetest.
CindyKay I love this movie. It's funny and romantic. Keanu Reeves is quite charming as Winston. Lori Loughlin is adorable and a nice match for Keanu. The only problem I see with the movie is that Keanu is just too cute and charming to be believable as a "punishment date" for Lori's losing a bet.