The Brotherhood of Justice
The Brotherhood of Justice
NR | 18 May 1986 (USA)
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A group of high school students, led by a rich boy Derek, is sick of school violence and decides to become underground vigilantes named "Brotherhood of Justice". It starts with the idea "watching people", but things quickly get out of control. "Brotherhood of Justice" turns out another gang of violence. Derek wants to stop it but it is too late, so he takes responsibility for it and gives himself to the law.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
BigHushtheRapper This was pretty rough to watch. I ordered it through Amazon Prime and I didn't see anything that said it was a TV movie. About 30 minutes into it I realized it either had to have been made for TV or it was rated PG. It definitely had a layer of "After School Special" that I couldn't ignore. A movie about high schoolers with such clean mouths never makes sense to me.It was fun to see so much future star power in the same cast, but the movie lacked the excitement I thought it would have based on the synopsis. I'm a Keanu fan, but even by Keanu standards his acting was horrendous. I did see many similarities between this movie and Point Break, which was interesting.Overall the story was unique and even more so after learning it was based on true events. I just feel like it was executed poorly and the pacing was painfully slow through most of this. It also felt like it was filmed with a home video camera.I would only recommend this movie for seeing these big names together so early in their careers, otherwise don't make an effort to watch this.
dansview If you are familiar with the character of "Johnny Utah" from the 1991 film Point Break, then you are going to notice some peculiar similarities in Keanu Reeve's character here. Only this came out five years earlier.In both films he is a quarterback. In both films he straddles the line between good and bad human being. In both films people say things like, "DO IT, NOW!" In both films, people ask him to summon the fortitude that helped him win football games.I admired the kids' sense of brotherhood, and desire to support their school. That's rare. But I also saw that arrogant sense of entitlement that jocks and some "soshe" types have in high school. Real A-Holes.It was interesting to see that there was a Mexican side of town, even back then. Little did they know how things would change.I like Keanu Reeves. He has a certain "everyman" quality. I also liked the way the film depicted the contrast of rich kids and the working class ones. Of course in this case, it was based on a true story.The dialogue was fine. There were several good scenes between two people at a time. Two brothers, the cop and the principal, coworkers, best friends, etc. I love good dialogue.Not a bad film at all. Interesting concept based on truth.
Rose1533 First off, I have not seen the movie, but I am aware of the events on which the movie is based. I'm a graduate of R. L. Paschal High School. Notice the spelling, please. No 'e' in Paschal.Funny, I told my college roommate how things at Paschal had settled down since I graduated. The next day, the news of the Legion of Doom broke.In defense of Paschal, I'd like you all to know that, though it has a lousy football team and has for some time, it is top academically in the Fort Worth ISD.I've only just learned of this movie, and now I'm interested in seeing it.
nycovom1 I had seen this movie when it first aired back in the mid-eighties(I was a senior in high school at the time), and when I saw it again recently on cable TV, I realized that, for a made-for-TV film, it's not too bad. It's not great, either, but at least the writer and director seemed to not want to crank out yet another quickie network television thriller. The story gets surprisingly gritty, and a little bloody, in places. Even so,I think this film's big claim-to-fame is that the actor in the lead role is none other than future Speed-ster, dude-in-training Keanu Reeves. Check him out here at age 21!