Can't Buy Me Love
Can't Buy Me Love
PG-13 | 14 August 1987 (USA)
Can't Buy Me Love Trailers

Nerdy high schooler Ronald Miller rescues cheerleader Cindy Mancini from parental punishment after she accidentally destroys her mother's designer clothes. Ronald agrees to pay for the $1,000 outfit on one condition: that she will act as though they're a couple for an entire month. As the days pass, however, Cindy grows fond of Ronald, making him popular. But when Ronald's former best friend gets left behind, he realizes that social success isn't everything.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Realrockerhalloween Ronald Miller pines for Cindy the most popular girl in school who doesn't know he's alive. That all changes when she borrows her mom's blouse and accidentally ruins it at a house party now she must replace it before she finds out. Ronald offers to buy her a new one in exchange for becoming his girlfriend for a month.Ronald gains new found popularity among the jocks and cheerleaders who thinks he's a stud. He ditches his old friends for the highlight.The movie not only explores themes like popularity and love in simple terms like other teen flicks. Popularity is shown like a class system. The top percent get the nice tables, women and parties. The bottom are picked on, forced to sit at certain locations and can't even communicate with someone out of their league. Bullying is a took to install fear and keep the herd in line.Cindy and Ronald are kinda like other famous tragic couples. They are forced apart by their peers and expect to act a certain way if they want to keep their status. It's almost like a fairy tale and they end happily ever after when they realize it's all nonsense.Unlike Romeo and Juliet these two get to ride off in the sunset and plan on attending prom. A match made in heaven. Ronald even ends up winning over his old friends and respect of his peers.Bring out the hankie. You won't be able to keep your eyes dry.
SnoopyStyle Ronald Miller (Patrick Dempsey) is a nerdy kid. Cindy Mancini (Amanda Peterson) is the school queen bee cheerleader. Her mother would like her to go out with nice boys like the Miller lawnboy instead of her narcissistic football player boyfriend Bobby. Bobby is now in college and has left Cindy behind. She ruins her mom's jacket and needs to replace it. Ronald is tired of playing cards with his dorky friends. He sees a distraught Cindy at the mall. Instead of buying a telescope, he comes up with a scheme to become popular by pretending to date for one month. His little brother Chuckie (Seth Green) is suspicious.This one does a switch with the normal teen movie cliché and gives the guy an exterior makeover. I didn't see the appeal of Dempsey or his character back in the day. I guess many others saw the McDreamy hidden underneath. It still baffles me a little but at least he's a neurosurgeon on the TV show. The formula works to a limited extend. Amanda Peterson does well to transition from shallow queen bee into a deeper pool. She's a great 'Where are they now?' actress. It's also fun to see a young Seth Green. The climatic lunch encounter is way too earnest which this movie suffers from time to time. Ronald's (cool?) outfit is ridiculously hilarious. It could all work if I actually like Dempsey and his character.
d_m_s Never heard of this film before but it was a recommendation from Netflix so, after checking out an IMDb review, I watched.It was an enjoyable 80's teen comedy that is far superior to the usual John Hughes films that spring to mind when you think of 80's teen comedy.I give it a 6 but I would liked to have given it more. It had loads of potential to be a lot better, easily an 8, but some simple mistakes were made that let it down. Like using Patrick Dempsey as the lead when at no point is he convincing as a geek as he is far too handsome and has a good physique. His performance is confident rather than geeky also. Another reviewer has pointed this out and I agree.I also agree with the same reviewer who stated that Amanda Peterson's portrayal of the popular cheerleader is a compassionate one and makes it more watchable.There are some good scenes and some good laughs but throughout the whole thing I just kept thinking how much better it could have been if they'd have picked a better lead (I kept thinking of the better geek portrayals in Revenge of the Nerds), and spent a little more time on the characters, sub plots and jokes, which often felt like they all had so much potential that wasn't fully developed.I do like how the jocks and cheerleaders, while somewhat lampooned, also all have a sympathetic side. So credit is due to the writer and/or director for not making them two dimensional. Equally, there are moments that feel rushed, as if no one could be bothered to develop the characters adequately.Still, it is an easy to watch, enjoyable, charming film.
goatboy123 Did you ever want to buy your way into the cool crowd? Yeah, unless you were already in it we all thought about it at one point or another but in the movie I'm reviewing this time, Can't Buy me Love, Ronny Miller played by Patrick Dempsey actually got a chance to. In this movie which I stumbled upon one early Saturday morning while watching HBO as a kid, Ronny Miller saves up one-thousand dollars for a telescope that he earns from mowing lawns. When he goes to buy the telescope he notices Cindy Mancini, played by Amanda Peterson, who of course is the most popular girl in school in need of some help. She tells him that she ruined her mothers dress and that she has no way of replacing it. Ronny decides to buy her a new one in exchange for a date that he hopes will make him popular.I didn't know why I loved this movie as a kid so much. There was no slapstick comedy,no crazy characters or even any action but maybe when I look back that's what I loved about it so much.It just felt real. It felt like typical high school even though I didn't truly know what that was since I was only ten. My favorite part of the movie was that they cast a young Seth Green as the role of Ronnys little brother.For this movie I'll give it four Seth greens out of five only for the fact that every time this movie is on no matter what part it's at I'll have to sit and watch it to the end.