Fatal Charm
Fatal Charm
R | 19 September 1990 (USA)
Fatal Charm Trailers

Valerie's (Amanda Peterson) prosecutor mom is trying to put away Adam (Christopher Atkins), an alleged serial killer on trial for murdering six women. But he's so charming that the teenage Valerie just can't believe he really did it, and soon they begin sending each other letters. Adam is caught up in a jailbreak and ends up on the run.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
wildpeace10 Amanda Peterson plays Valerie,a girl who's mother is trying to convict Adam Brenner,(Christopher Arkins)accused of brutally raping and murdering six women.Valerie gets a crush on Adam and they start writing each other letters.When Adam is convicted,Valerie believes the justice system has done an innocent man a serious injustice.In jail,Adams is almost killed by a convicted prisoner who hates him.When two prisoners escape,Adam goes on the run trying to communicate with Valerie.Is Adam an innocent man or an evil murderer?That's the question i won't answer here but let's just say that there is a little suspense at the end and that a bad guy gets stabbed and burned by Valerie.The film features very little bad language.The nudity,a topless girl(not Amanda Peterson)in a hazy blue light is pretty dull.So unless you are a fan of the film's actors,this is pretty much a forgettable film.I give this, one star for actress Amanda Peterson and another for it's final chase scene.
Brianweimer73 Fatal Charm is a decent suspense thriller, although it's very difficult to find nowadays. The beautiful Amanda Peterson (Can't Buy Me Love) plays a teenage girl who becomes infatuated with a handsome man accused of killing several women. The guy is played well enough by Christopher Atkins. The movie was actually made about three years before it was released, but had alot of production and marketing problems. There are some pretty good suspenseful moments for this low budget film. Fatal Charm does have some weak moments due to the script, but that's to be expected. The performances are pretty good, especially Peterson's. Mary Frann , from Newhart, plays a less than perfect mother. Although she no longer acts professionally, she is one of her best performances. I do suggest renting this movie if you happen to run across, or don't have anything better to do. It won't change the world of filmmaking, but hopefully it will be rereleased on DVD.