R | 23 March 2012 (USA)
Brake Trailers

A Secret Service Agent is held captive in the trunk of a car and endures high-speed mental and physical torture as terrorists attempt to extract needed information for their sinister plot.

Executscan Expected more
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Michael Ledo Jeremy (Stephen Dorff) is a secret service agent taken captive. He is in a plexiglass box in the trunk of a car for about the entire film. Normally I hate these one man movies of a person being trapped, but this one had enough hope, like a carrot on a stick, to hold my interest. With his wife being threaten as well as other people, Jeremy is being pressured to divulge information about secret locations of the POTUS.Stephen Dorff did a convincing job in this one man thriller and then it happened. The ending. The ending made an improbable but interesting film into a laughter.8 stars if you don't watch the last 5 minutes.Parental Guide: F-bombs. No sex or nudity.
cmovies-99674 PROS: The best thing that BRAKE did was give you an intense film. From beginning to end there was something invigorating to be had. It really played on the psyche of the viewer as well. What I liked is how you thought with the character and not for the character. This means that the movie moved fast enough and smoothly enough so the watcher could feel and think in pace with the plot. The other thing that was shocking was the ending. The final section of the film was probably the most gut wrenching part. If you have ever experienced a feeling in real life where your heart drops and you feel so ridiculously heavy, that was the end of this movie. Although it was good, more like amazing, it was also sad and horrific.CONS: The one thing that I could say was negative about this movie was the fact that there was a ridiculous amount of plot holes. Too many questions and not enough answers. You'll understand when you watch the film, but a plot like this needs more motive and reasonable tactics. I just wished that there could have been more detail when it came to the
lois-lane33 This film had a budget of half a million dollars yet only made slightly more than for thousand dollars at the box office-in total-if the info I saw was correct. I believe it. I've never seen a more poorly conceived thriller in my life. The main character gets trapped in a small box made from shock proof glass or some similar material and thats the film. Basically all 1:47 is spent in a tiny confined space. It would have been better if the main character had spent maybe ten minutes in a confined space and then onto other things. They could have done that. They didn't. Very disappointing and also very hard to watch for the full length of the movie. There is no explanation given for the motivations of the antagonists in the film-was it money? Was it other things? Who knows. Tom Berenger, who was well known for doing the Sniper movies, was in this film at the end-to little avail-it still sucked as a cinematic experience.There was a hundred ways they could have made it better.
Prismark10 Steven Dorff plays secret service agent Jeremy Reins who suddenly awakes, confused in a back of a car, entombed in some sort of perspex case. He has no idea where he is or how he got there. There is a red light shining on him and a digital clock counting down. When it reaches zero, it resets with another countdown but something happens in between.Dorff who looks like a thinner Kiefer Sutherland certainly reminds you of the television series 24. Dorff who first fears he has been kidnapped because of gambling debts realised that there are other people kidnapped as well and he can communicate with them via CB radio, he fears for the safety of his ex wife and realises that the people holding want information on the hiding place of the President in the event of an emergency evacuation. He faces various tests including torture as the clock keeps counting down.What is happening, who wants the information, who can he trust or is this all some sort of psychological test, this is certainly an intriguing low budget B movie. The focus is mainly on Dorff, trapped in the trunk of a car, bathed in red light and he certainly holds your attention whilst many of the other actors are voices on the phone, radio or people in the car. It is an unusual,tense film that does not outstay its welcome and destined to be a cult film.