Out of the Dark
Out of the Dark
R | 27 February 2015 (USA)
Out of the Dark Trailers

A couple and their daughter moves to Colombia to take over a family manufacturing plant, only to realize their new home is haunted.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
adonis98-743-186503 A couple and their daughter move to Colombia to take over a family manufacturing plant, only to realize their new home is haunted. Out of The Dark is not a horrible film but it's not a great one either the acting is fine for the most part or just alright the problem is the children and the plot there's not threat or anything and the end felt more like you were watching a different movie than a movie with ghosts and the pacing was so boring that you had to seriously turn your brain off and it sucks cause the movie did start kinda strong but then it fall apart really quick by no means a horrible thriller but it's not great either it's just alright for a boring Sunday watch nothing more 6/10.
ASouthernHorrorFan The story is one that has been seen before in similar films to "Out Of The Dark" with a family moving to a new place but unfortunately pick one cursed by a tragic past, and lingering paranormal influence. Quilez's story is a good one though, framing this construct in a beautiful, subtropical location, disturbing historical area steeped in superstition and legend. Plus he gives us a clear message of cruelties brought about by foreign companies exploitation of almost "third world" regions for profit, all wrapped nicely in a chilling supernatural thriller with some vengeful spirits. "Out Of The Dark" does have some pretty cool make-up artistry and special effects. It is a mix of semi-gory practical design and expected CGI ghost-y stuff. Although instead of feeling redundant, the CGI in "Out Of The Dark" is creative and at times beautiful in its cinematography. The atmosphere is a blend of warming with the family taking in the beauty of their new home, and the darker, chilling aspects of past tragedy, a cursed people, and a family hunted by angry spirits. The soundtrack is equally intense and eerie. Plus there are moments when the quick shock gimmicks actually scared me a bit. Overall "Out Of The Dark" is a nicely produced, creative thriller with a lot of suspense and drama. The cast give acceptable performances and the characters are developed nicely, the native Colombians more so than the family. The ghost children are haunting and creepy. On the down side though it becomes too clear too early in the story as to the true nature of "Out Of The Dark" so some of the thrill and suspense does get lost during the final 3rd of the film. The ending feels a bit drawn out and unnecessary at the very end, not in the actually story aspects but more the visual- conceptual stuff used at the end. It could have used less theatrics and been more effective. Anyway "Out Of The Dark" is a cool, entertaining story with a more mature narrative that shows some real heart.
Argemaluco Out of the Dark is a North American-Colombian-Spanish co- production with some moderately famous actors in order to make it more attractive for an international market. But in fact, it's an awful horror film made with a frustrating listlessness, hoping the beautiful natural settings and regional folklore to convince us we are watching something new-flanged, or at least, entertaining. Needless to say, it wasn't like that. The excessive number of clichés and bland characters are what mainly extinguish any tension the film could have generated, and induce to the boredom while we witness tedious supernatural manifestations such as dark silhouettes, ghostly prints and doors which are opened and closed by themselves. All that, of course, is accompanied by exaggerated musical stresses to simulate the fact that the story is advancing. The supernatural part of the screenplay includes the typical vindictive ghosts who want to rectify an offense from the past; and I don't think revealing that is a SPOILER, because it's shown to us during the first minutes in a prologue which already establishes the insipid tone of the film and the lameness of the "shocks" with which it pretends to horrify us. As for the actors, they do whatever they can in their badly written roles; they were obviously hired only for the poster to include some semi- famous names. On the other hand, I can't blame Julia Stiles, Scott Speedman and Stephen Rea for accepting a paid vacation in a beautiful Colombian region. In conclusion, Out of the Dark is a pathetic horror film and an authentic waste of time. The fact that this piece of junk was released on cinemas at my country truly made me angry. It's like the film industry has lost any interest in satisfying the audience. That's the only thing which scared me while I was watching Out of the Dark.
sgdptech This is a very good Supernatural/Horror movie, and thankfully, it wasn't the typical Slasher type flick that most of the Naysayers posting here were probably expecting. It's truly disappointing that no one else seems to be able to appreciate a Supernatural type movie without all the blood, gore and spilled intestines of other less desirable Supernatural movies. Definitely worth watching if you enjoy a more realistic storyline without the usual senseless slashing/killing of other Horror movies. The location setting on the Western Caribbean coast of Northern Colombia and the use of the town's indigenous population's past tragedy involving some of their children, is very useful in creating the dark and ghostly atmosphere that surrounds the movie itself.