Flight 7500
Flight 7500
PG-13 | 03 October 2014 (USA)
Flight 7500 Trailers

Flight 7500 departs Los Angeles International Airport bound for Tokyo. As the overnight flight makes its way over the Pacific Ocean during its ten-hour course, the passengers encounter what appears to be a supernatural force in the cabin.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Konterr Brilliant and touching
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
tspillman_sah The sad part it has a decent cast but a HORRIBLE script. Man, what a waste of time. Crappy script, bad acting (by decent actors), stupid storyline... if you want to watch a bad movie, go for it!
Brandon Williams This film was really good! And what made me think that it would be a good film was that Scout Taylor Compton was in it!! And without her being in it I probably would never have heard of this film as I looked at what movies she'd been in on google. That said, a really good cast overall, and a really good story line! Furthermore, what makes this film at the top end of the spectrum is that it had a really powerful motto behind it! Which is about holding grudges, and that it is unhealthy to hold them in against people. You should let go of all of your grudges, forgive people and live life with a healthy mindset and a clear conscience.Also, the scene where the remaining survivors see their deaths on the news, I think the spokesman was covering up the truth of what really happened by saying that their oxygen masks had failed, when it hadn't was acting like he didn't want to be fired from employment, could suggest why he was giving off an injustice vibe.Finally, on some of the reviews I have read, people have been really confused about the ending and I really don't see how you can be confused, all of the remaining survivors can see themselves dead in their seats and I'm not sure if it is premonition or not because as soon as they let go of all of their grudges, their souls could then be released from their entrapped bodies and they must have had unfinished business else they wouldn't have been able to go to heaven without a clear conscience. At the very end, the last woman was still roaming around because she hadn't emotionally let go of her feelings. Thank you for reading, I'm only 16 and I understood it, so I knew it was gonna be good as it was produced by the Grudge director!! Insane!!!
jtindahouse Having worked in the aviation industry for a couple of years I always find movies set on a plane fascinating. It's always interesting to see just how faithful to reality movies are willing to stay and just how much leeway they are forced to take to keep their movies watchable. For example in '7500' all the flight attendants wear their hair in a style that would never be acceptable in any airline anywhere the world. Of course we as an audience either don't notice those kinds of things or forgive them as just being a necessity in the movie making world. A lot of the procedures in the film and the allowances the pilots were taking at first come across as quite unrealistic but are given an excuse later in the film that makes them excusable. The film has an interesting enough little cast of characters and a cleverly developed plot with a nice little twist to tie things up. The final scene is rather bizarre and really could have been left on the cutting room floor but for some reason is included and undoes some of the effect the original ending would have had. That aside though it's a pretty well made little movie with some decent scares and enough going on to keep the audience interested through the short 80 minute runtime.
James Wood I waited years to see 7500, after numerous delays I thought I'd never experience it. The trailer looked promising, and rather terrifying too. Finally, I've seen this supernatural thriller set on a plane, and I am wholly disappointed. 7500 looks cheap, the dialogue is so unnatural it makes for unintentional laughter and the characters have no backstory or depth. Praise however goes to Nicky Whelan, whose performance is very real and rather amusing at times as a clean freak chatterbox who feels the need to boast to any passenger in her proximity. I've met people like this in real life so this character is relatable and plays a good foil to the supernatural element...An element that fails thanks to some of the most shopworn and cheap jump scares ever put to film. Without an eerie atmosphere or dread, this flight is grounded.