Imaginary Friend
Imaginary Friend
PG-13 | 02 June 2012 (USA)
Imaginary Friend Trailers

During her traumatic childhood with an abusive father, Emma relied on an imaginary friend for strength. She is now an artist struggling with mental illness living with her apparently loving husband, Brad. But when Emma's imaginary friend starts reappearing, she knows she's losing her grip. Desperate to save her marriage and show Brad she is in control, Emma takes drastic measures to free herself of her torment and her imaginary friend.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
a_baron This had the makings of a great film, but the people behind it took far too many liberties with the hauntings. Brad is a doctor, so even without a wealthy wife he would almost certainly have been a member of the 1%. They live in a palatial home, and she isn't exactly unattractive, to put it mildly, so what can go wrong? Lots of things, from when she was a girl. Her father murdered her mother then killed himself, leaving his substantial estate in trust for his daughter with a plethora of strings attached.When she was young, Emma had an imaginary friend, as kids sometimes do, especially those without siblings. The problem is her imaginary friend is back, all grown up and stunningly attractive. While she is clearly suffering from hallucinations, her husband is covertly doing his best to encourage them hoping to get her committed so he can get his hands on her trust. As so often happens, people who are too greedy end up with nothing, wifey has Brad sussed, and soon he is the one popping pills hoping to exorcise the ghost Emma claims she has killed. And this is where it gets silly, how does one account for blood appearing and then drying up? How does a real live woman behave like a phantom, appearing and disappearing at will? Only by invoking the supernatural, which apparently we are not meant to do. At one point Brad's desperation is quite funny, but one suspects any humour the viewer derives from his plight was unintended.
heatheramy I usually hate made for TV movies but this one wasn't bad. The acting was pretty good because usually I'm grimacing at the bad acting in these movies but I didn't at all. If I hadn't looked up reviews before I watched it, I wouldn't have been exactly sure what was going on until the end.The main character is diagnosed as mentally ill, as she has visions of her imaginary friend from childhood, and her husband has POA over her family's trust. He's carrying on at least one affair on the side and making withdrawals from the trust freely. Basic premise of Gaslight, which movie I love.Very entertaining!
ivegonemod I thought this was a good movie, but could only give it a five. It was just too predictable. I knew as soon as I saw Brittany that she was real and the husband was behind her being there. I also found the movie to be quite implausible.It was pretty clear that Lacey's character was really off at the start, and then all of a sudden she was perfectly normal with no reasoning. It was never made clear how she figured out the husband's plot, one assumes that Brittany told her. Why would Brittany turn on the husband in favor of the wife? Either way she was getting paid.I find it hard to believe that Ethan's character could be turned into a pill-popping psycho in a matter of hours, and all his doctor friends turned on him in a second.It was great seeing Jacob Young. Love him!
dutchchocolatecake I'm giving it all away so if you don't want the entire thing spoiled, don't read this review!In a nutshell:Little girl from an abusive, but rich family; grows up to be a fragile yet schizophrenic artist with huge trust fund and a husband just as rotten as her father. He tries to drive her crazier than she already is by having his mistress pose as her childhood hallucination imaginary friend to have her committed; so that he and the mistress can live together in comfort off of artist's trust fund. Schizophrenic artist figures it out, and with the help of said mistress manages to turn the tables on him; and he ends up taking a ride in the Twinkie Truck instead.The acting is pretty good, even if the character creation is mediocre and predictable at best. Anyone with a handful of brain cells can figure out where the movie is going about a third of the way through. Not a bad movie overall, but like most flicks that air on Lifetime; it is too contrived to be genuinely engaging.