| 29 November 2013 (USA)
Non-Stop Trailers

Mysterious emotional thriller about a woman who, after being left at the altar, has a brief liaison with a handsome stranger on a plane which ultimately puts her – and everyone else on the flight – in terrible danger.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Wordiezett So much average
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
chef-60306 What stinker this was, this movie blew, but Lacey is hot.
djcalver Having gone into the film expecting Liam Neeson's new picture, what I received was beyond words.I've watched many films throughout my life, and this is, without a doubt, absolutely THE WORST FILM I've ever had the misfortune of watching.What's wrong with it? Everything. Appallingly made, dreadful scripting, abysmal acting, nonsensical plot, seemingly random music, no sense of direction, and full of time-wasting filler scenes.If I can stop one person watching it, I will have been pleased. I will never, ever get back the 90 minutes I lost watching this.In essence, the film is NON-STOP ****.
Geeky Randy If you're one of those people who loves to have 90 minutes (120 minutes with commercials) of their life completely wasted, you HAVE to see NON-STOP; another terrible Lifetime thriller that passes as close to a watchable movie as ground beef does to sirloin. A heartbroken and annoyingly anxious woman (overacted by the unconvincing Chabert) has a mile-high temptation with a stranger, who… you guessed it… is a complete psycho—what else did you expect?, after all, this is a Lifetime movie. What's even worse than this moronic plot are the characters' inexplicable actions, leaving the viewing thinking (or even saying) "This would never happen!"—case in point, the 9-1-1 dispatcher would NEVER get off the line with the caller. If you decided to spend four straight hours staring at a concrete wall, you'd probably find your time more fulfilling than if you wasted less than half that time on this "movie".* (out of four)
jillie1962 When using my inner Lifetime movie rating scale of 1 - 10, this movie gets an eight. It wasn't the usual formula movie I've come to expect from Lifetime, and while it wasn't necessarily realistic, it held my interest. I usually put on a Lifetime movie while I crochet so that I don't really have to concentrate on the movie, but I sat and watched this one all the way thru. I thought the lead actress did a nice job and was a strong asset to the movie. The stewardess cracked me up, kind of the stewardess from hell for a nine hour flight and added some comic relief. I've missed the better movies Lifetime used to present back when actresses like Valerie Bertanelli were a staple on the channel and I'm hoping this movie is a promise of more quality movies to come. If you watch it, though, don't waste any time trying to tie up the loose ends.