The Innocents
The Innocents
NR | 15 December 1961 (USA)
The Innocents Trailers

A young governess for two children becomes convinced that the house and grounds are haunted by ghosts and that the children are being possessed.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
postenjc-18566 My sister took me at about ten years of age to see this as a play on Broadway, starring Beatrice Straight. I'm certain that she could not have been aware of how frightening this play would be for a ten year old. In plain words, it scared the be jabbers out of me. I was leery of being alone in a darkened apartment for years afterward. We can now jump forward a bunch of years to the winter of 1961. By this time, I was married and in the service. I was still in training , in Army Administration School at Ft Jackson, SC. since this was a Training Base, it emptied out during the Christmas Holiday, and most of us went home for the ten days between Christmas and New Years. I hadn't been able to see my new wife for six weeks, so I got myself home ASAP. WE went to several first run films, while we relaxed for the time I was home. One was THE INNOCENTS, now starring Miss Kerr and Michael Redgrave. Even though I was an adult and in the army, the story and characters had lost none of it power to still scare the be jabbers out of me. This film has been shown uncut on several cable channels and TMC and I never could bring myself to watch it again. It's still SCARY, SCARY, THE SCARIEST to me. There have only been two films in my close to eighty years that have affected me in this manner. THE INNOCENTS and HITCHCOCK'S masterwork, PSYCHO. If you do not wish the be jabbers scared out of you. stay away from these two films.
Leofwine_draca Like THE HAUNTING, this is a slow-moving and subtle film which manages to evoke a true sense of fear with the viewer. Easily the definitive version of Henry James' novel THE TURN OF THE SCREW, this is an intelligent, gripping horror film which gives us time to get to know the principal characters before dropping them in at the deep end. Indeed, the first half an hour is quite hard to sit through as nothing particularly happens, and the characters are merely introduced, but things soon become unbearably spooky and surprisingly dark before the downbeat conclusion. This is frightening, adult cinema, and not a film for those with nervous dispositions.Unlike THE HAUNTING, we do actually get to see the ghosts here - albeit briefly. They take the form of normal-looking people, not bloody or gory, standing silently, watching. These are scary apparitions, and I think ghosts in films are more effective when they don't actually do much except stand around and look scary - there's something understated about them which adds to their creepiness, as if they are like statues (for another great example of these silent spectres, check out ENDLESS NIGHT, which has a really frightening moment towards the end).The acting is excellent, especially from Deborah Kerr as the haunted governess who is not afraid to believe in the spirit world and remains refreshingly open-minded; I for one am sick of principal characters disbelieving ghosts and having to be convinced in films. Kerr gets to display a range of emotions here; love, compassion, fear and disgust, making her performance really good in my eye. However, the acting of Martin Stephens and Pamela Franklin surpass even Kerr's performance - Stephens and Franklin being a pair of very creepy kids. On the outside they're polite and respectable, but you just know that there's a dark and deadly secret waiting to burst out at any moment. Franklin descends into incoherent screaming at the end of the film, while Stephens you may recognise (with blond hair this time) from his equally menacing role in VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED. Megs Jenkins and Michael Redgrave also do quite well with their underdeveloped housemaid and 'Uncle' characters respectively.Freddie Francis was on hand to perform some nice crisp photography, and it shows, as the film is beautifully filmed. It also isn't afraid to leave some loose ends and also have a surprisingly tragic finale - one which is totally unexpected. This is an unnerving, classy haunting film which easily achieves what it sets out to do.
TheRedDeath30 I titled this review with one of the most overly used clichés I could think of, with a wink and a nod, but recognizing that it fits this movie as closely as you can get. Indeed, this film comes from a bygone era. The product of a short story (which no one writes anymore) written in a style that has long since gone out out of vogue and made into the sort of Gothic ghost movie that Hollywood never attempts to make anymore. Many critics and scary movie lists will tell you that this is one of the classics of the genre and they are not wrong, but I am, also, willing to acknowledge right off the bat that the average 18- year old will despise this movie. This is a "film lovers" movie and is never going to be the sort of thing that appeals to a mass audience anymore. Indeed, it didn't appeal to a mass audience at the time.At the turn of the 20th Century, the public was becoming more literate and had more time on their hands, creating a wave of magazines that specialized in short fiction. Some of the most popular of these magazines were selling horror fiction. Mind you this is a century ago and what we think of as horror was not yet developed. Most of these stories were Gothic "pot boilers" influenced heavily by Poe and Hawthorne, that were more about mood, suspense and atmosphere than any real spooks. Quite possibly, the creme de la creme of this min-genre was THE TURN OF THE SCREW, which this movie is based upon. It became the benchmark for this sort of fiction.By the time this movie was made, in the 60s, that genre was out of style. When the monster movie died in the 40s, Val Lewton brought on a new focus on these sort of films, culminating in gems like THE UNINVITED and THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE. By the 60s, though, we had Hammer Studios, Maria Bava and PSYCHO, all revolutionizing the horror genre. Even by then this sort of shadowy, psychological ghost film was a risk, but one that resulted in what just might be the pinnacle in this style. While many critics will point to THE HAUNTING, for me, this is the best of the Gothic ghost movies.DO NOT expect rattling chains, ghostly apparitions and things that go bump in the night. This is not that kind of ghost story. In fact, the sum total of "ghostly scenes" is probably a handful at most. Rather, this is the kind of ambiguous ghost story that Hollywood almost intentionally killed off in the 70s. Richard Matheson, in particular, rallied against it when he created HELL HOUSE, but I am digressing in my history lessons here. What I mean by ambiguous is that the viewer is left to wonder many things at the end. Where there actually ghosts? Is our heroine just mad?There are so many things that work so well in this movie, that help it create that perfect tone. The direction and camera-work are spot on. The viewer sees many things from our heroine's perspective, aiding in the illusion that we are seeing things as she does, but left to wonder if anyone else sees them. The magnificent use of wide angle shots often creates a sensation of loneliness and isolation, putting characters on far opposite ends of the frame. The astute viewer will take notice of the use of light and shadow. The movie begins on a brilliantly lit summer day, but as the movie progresses we see less and less sun and more of the shadows. When we do get our glimpses of "ghosts" they are unsettling and tense. These aren't Scooby Doo goblins, but stark imagery that sticks wit the viewer.Of course, the best part of this movie might just be the acting of the two children, who are excellent in their roles. Our governess is convinced that they've become possessed by their former caretaker and her lover, destroying their innocence and corrupting them. The roles demanded an acting grace that is uncommon in children this young. The young boy may just be calculatingly evil or may just be an ordinary naughty boy, while his sister shows off both playful and carefree, then switching to a girl haunted by things out of her understanding, starting into space. So many scenes can be seen in dual ways with these children. Are they ordinary children, acting out in ordinary child- like ways, or are they corrupted and possessed and whispering secrets?The rock in all of it is Deborah Kerr as our main character. She seems to age before our eyes as the madness and terror overwhelm her. From scene to scene, or even, shot to shot, she can switch from a caring, loving woman to a frightened madwoman, surrounded by forces beyond her control. This movie revolves around her in so many ways and could have been a boring disaster in lesser acting hands, but Kerr is superb, pulling empathetically on the viewer's strings, drawing us into liking her and caring for her, which becomes so vital as we need to see things from her eyes to see the madness unfold.You probably know if you are the right person for this movie. That's lazy reviewing, but that's the truth. If you can appreciate an older style of film and a movie that focuses far more on its' acting and directing styles than any plot-driven action, than you will appreciate this movie. It is "old-fashioned" and was old- fashioned at the time, but that does not mean that there isn't a lot to love about this movie.
d_m_s This is third time I've watched this film and I've never liked it on any of the viewings. The film is so forgettable that, even though I've seen it twice already, I couldn't remember a thing that happened so I decided to give it another go in case I had made the mistake of brushing it off in the past.Well, I could not wait for it to finish. The film looks great throughout, thanks to the directing and cinematography. But the characters are all dull and the storyline is so repetitive and uneventful that I got fidgety watching it, just dying for something to happen.It's quite obvious from the start that Deborah Kerr's character is a little nuts but she doesn't half make a melodrama out of it. She's such a weak, unstable, annoying woman that I found it near unbearable to watch. The kids I could not stand. And that's all the main characters! Dull, dull, dull. It was a pointless waiting game, holding out for the end so we can see what has been an obvious set up from the start - a repressed hysterical woman slowly loses control of herself.The characters were so pathetic and the film so uneventful that I could find nothing of interest other than aesthetically.